Let's see if you can help me I have a problem with the 3d sound the subwoofers don't sound when I bought it it sounded very low, I changed all the electrolytic capacitors and the volume problem was solved but when you press the 3d button the surround button doesn't do anything if it does its job, the endings are fine I have looked at all the transistors it has and I can't find anything, let's see if you can enlighten me because I don't know what to do to it. Thank you
I went out and looked at my TRK 7620 in a bunch of pieces, the Bass Boost Switch is pretty open, did you clean it thoroughly, it might have dirty contacts.
Do you have an oscilloscope. The cheapest eBay special would allow you to trace the signal and find where you lose it. Am I right that models like the 3Ds use a separate amplifier IC for the 3D Bass Boost ?
The Hitachi 3D5 that I have is hardly enhanced at all with the 3D "red button" pushed. Feeble bit of a bass boost. I just assumed it was a typical BPC junk gimmick that hardly works. Interesting idea that maybe on mine too...it could be... not working fully for some reason. Hmmm
If it has 2 ic for normal sound and another for 3d, I have bridged the signal from one ic to the other and the subwoofers do sound without the bass filter but they do sound and the 3d button works well but it does not sound when activated
The JVCs of that era actually sound normal or very good with the button pressed with a very full sound.