Hi, my name is gavin archer, and this site has been a wealth of information to help me decide on a walkman, and i am simply an appreciator of the golden age of the best music format, so i am only seeking one. recently I got my hands on a near mint Sony Walkman Proffesional, or a wm-d6c, and the box i got it in came with the player, the leather case with a shoulder strap, a battery holder, a rechargavle battery pack, the leather battery pack holder case, a stereo microphone all in its nylon bag (all official sony products), and stereo headsets. Ive realized id like something of the same quality, but smaller and I have no need for recording, so I was wondering if anyone would like to trade my perfectly working d6c and acessories for a dc2? It would really mean a lot to me, or if no one can or would, does anyone have the contact info for reaching dr. walkman? I feel he has some answers or would be willing to do a trade. If anyone could reply, I would be very grateful. Oh, and I can supply pictures