Keeping in Touch

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by Gordon French, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. Gordon French

    Gordon French New Member

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    Goring By Sea
    I have not been involved as I have wanted to be because I am rebuilding my workshop so that it is also configured for surface mount work. Also I am upgrading my existing test equipment and finishing off a few projects capacitor/inductance tester,7400/4000 tester.
    Current Equipment :
    Ferrograph test set RTS2 and ATU1 modified for RCA connections XLR will be next and recal at 3Khz for w&F and drift.
    Nakamichi T1000 recap and calibration BNC connectors for scope.
    Digital/Analogue in- out interface for digital audio.
    Leader RF generator with Frequency counter + BNC sockets fitted
    Leader sweep generator BNC sockets to fit.
    Leader FM Stereo Generator Recal and RCA and BNC sockets Fitting
    Sony Audio Generator and Distortion Analyser.
    Finishing a clean current limited stabilised PSU for working on WMD6C and other Walkmans ( ongoing Project). I am also waiting to get hold of the cassette master jig.
    The bench also requires an upgrade on the fume extraction and a home for my ultrasonic cleaner.
    My workshop is in a concrete garage so it needed damproofing and insulating. The power is in as well as a Network My FM Aerial,TV and Satellite feeds are also needed. So as you can see this is going to be my winter project I will keep reading the posts and comment when i can.
    Mister X and Valentin like this.
  2. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    Hello and welcome!

    Ooh you're not a million miles away from me, be good to have someone who repairs stuff reasonably local (30+ miles away still!)
  3. isolator42

    isolator42 Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Godstone, UK
    Hi there Gordon & welcome to S2G :)
    We're looking at buying a place around your way in the not-too-distant future...
  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum! Please post photos of your test bench, it sounds very interesting. We need to start a test bench thread, some of the tools of the trade are kind of cool.

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