Minidisc file conversion

Discussion in 'Discmans, Minidisc, DCC and other players' started by Phil Wood, Mar 11, 2020.

  1. Phil Wood

    Phil Wood Member

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    This afternoon I received a present from EBay, a beautiful pristine Sony MDS-JB930, one of the best sounding minidisc decks ever, or so the internet thinks. What I didn't know when I committed to buying it is that it doesn't speak MDLP at all. I have been using MDLP2 mode for almost every disc I have ever recorded (The term Do'hh! springs to mind).
    I can tell I have just received the deck, the cats are still playing with the wrapping paper!
    Right, looking at options to convert the MDLP2 stuff into SP so the nice shiny deck can play them, first thought was to use the MDS-JE480 and use an optical cable, only the 480 has no digital out, only an in. I think the RH1 and whatever my other minidisc walkman also only have optical ins and not outs, any ideas? other than an analog copy followed by retyping all the titles? will Sonic Stage importing with the RH1 then exporting in SP cost more quality than going analog between two good decks? That is if Sonicstage will even import MDLP2 from my MZ-RH1
    As most of the discs are copies of cassettes I would do fresh recordings, only I would have to type everything up again and also my cassette deck is not well, thanks to problems with circlips while replacing idlers, I am struggling to get it re-assembled properly.
    Open to suggestions, ideas or learning from the experience of anyone who has figured out how to convert to SP!

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