I am not famous nor do I have anything to brag about. I am recently retired and am attempting to resurrect previous hobby activities that sat on the shelf while I was busy doing other things, like earning a living. One of the activities I'd like to pursue again is recording sound. In the closet I have a Sony WM-D6C that I purchased new in the early 2000's. It got used perhaps for fifty hours or so in total to record my daughter's elementary school music concerts. (She's now 33...) So, I'm trying to do what's needed to replace aged parts like belts and the like. Plus, since there are new better battery supplies available now like Eneloops, I want to migrate to those as well. At present, I'm too stupid/ignorant to offer much, aside from decades of electrical engineering experience. Not that that matters a lot. So, I will probably ask dumb questions, hopefully in a polite way. Please be somewhat patient. After the WM-D6C project, I also have a PCM-M1 that I used when she was in high school that'll need the same treatment.
Well once again I opened up my plastic container of walkmans and took a picture in another thread and I'll post another bigger picture here just because I can not dragging just it's what I have. But I have two d6 with box 1d6c with a box and one in a plastic bag. And I have a few other radios you may see in this room in this picture if I can make it big enough LOL I also have boomboxes gazette players that sort of thing
Welcome to the forum! You have a desireable unit with the Sony but the PCM is also very nice. I have a soft-spot for old recording machines, I've looked for a PCM but I'm kind of hoping to find a local one just to mess around with.
Just like C2G I have boxes of stuff, I started collecting about 25 years ago, I have a ton of toys, audio, tools, etc. boxed up and ready for a new life.