Nakamichi 1000 DAT Sale Brochure

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by WalkyTalkyBoy, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. WalkyTalkyBoy

    WalkyTalkyBoy New Member

    Trophy Points:
    The Windy City
    Hello Everyone on Stereo2Go,

    While doing some more pre-spring clean, I ran into a another great sale brochure. This time it is Nakamichi 1000 DAT!!! Super rare in my book!!! I would like to share this awesome brochure to all the members on this forum. Enjoy!!

    Sorry in advance that the enclosed images are the best it can be. Sometimes the head gets in the way!!!:D:D:D Literally Not Figuratively!!! If you know what I mean by it!!!!:):):):)

    Peace Out ✌️✌️✌️


    P.S. I would like to dedicate this Nakamichi DAT Sale Brochure posting to Sly, Boodokhan and Cameron!!! Thank you for showing your supports!!!

    74E7266C-CE19-4D83-846C-021720ED6AB1.jpeg 14BD3975-EC12-4327-9381-DCED7A610CC8.jpeg 0A5CF349-13EC-4A3E-A510-AA41E924A1F2.jpeg E20D1A92-47D3-45C9-95F3-F7EAE672427D.jpeg 12206ED1-BF77-4B51-9773-642F64566D76.jpeg 25C25452-0F70-4232-9141-981286FD6C48.jpeg A2D465B0-914B-44E6-9471-476A75AD82CD.jpeg B7839096-776B-446D-A538-CFF9FADC515B.jpeg 3ADF1F7D-D6E5-4957-A82E-CF37004135F1.jpeg A6CB61B1-2DB6-470B-A4D8-4D59FDD590EF.jpeg D3B4D5A5-4E3A-4FEB-B9C4-74F4ED43B1B8.jpeg
  2. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Malibu, CA
    Wow, what a Monster!!!
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

    Trophy Points:
    Bournemouth UK
    I was wondering how much this cost and found

    Which suggests $11000 including the essential outboard DACs

    And a review from back when it was released

    Reading the description of the mechanism, it is amazing the amount of effort companies went to to store a couple of GB of digital data in the days before large Flash memory. Yesterday I was looking at a promotion for a 4TByte flash drive for £600 ! You could store a lot of DAT tapes on one of those :wink2
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2019
  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Beautiful machine but like most DAT, extremely hard to find around here, the lawyers kept DAT locked up in court so there was little distribution and CD ended up taking any market they were looking for. I got lucky and found my Yamaha DAT at the thrift store a few years ago but that's the only one I've seen besides the one we had in the lab years ago, I'm pretty sure that one was a Phillips. Portable DAT seems to be a little easier to find since the entertainment and broadcasting industry really like them but even then these professional units are expensive.

    Longman, I can't remember if DAT used the same tape and shells as 8mm video. My old employer made cleaning cartridges for the 8mm data drives that were the industry standard for computer system back-up. The 3m or Imation Tapes we used could hold a boatload of data and nightly backup was easy using these systems but the transport was similar to video tape and tape shed was an issue. Part of the DAT market may have been driven by the data back-up side since the machines were either identical or very close. This was a very high-end market, losing data was not acceptable and these machines were designed to be very reliable
  5. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

    Trophy Points:
    Bournemouth UK
    DAT tapes are smaller using 4mm tape.

    However, you are right that they probably saw more use for corporate computer backup, with ever increasing capacities, than audio use.

    Yet another similar looking tape is MIni DV. Like DAT that was designed from the beginning as a data storage tape, but held about 18GByte of data, which with the Motion JPEG compression used gave an hours video.

    Having already mentioned Flash memory lets think about hard drive capacities. Back when the Nakamichi was released a 340MByte hard drive (less than a single CD) cost about 1/6th of the price of it

    Thus a single DAT tape could back up several computers on a network.

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