Hello, I've bought an RN-Z500, in hope of replacing the belt and getting the microcassette part to work again. But since it's an absolute pain to get to the belt (it requires disassembly of the entire unit AND the tape mechanism), some things did not go well. I snapped a black ground wire, but I resoldered it in the correct place. However, there's still partially no ground. The tape mechanism won't fast forward and if I put in a microcassette, there's no sound and only a high pitched squeal after pressing "play", which fades away very quickly. Also, the record/battery LED does not light up, which it did do before I opened it up. The tune LED lights up properly. I'd like to ask anyone who has one of these, where are all of the grounding points, like grounding screws etc. Maybe I mixed up the screws, who knows - there are no high-res pictures of the circuitboard anywhere on the internet. I will really appreciate any help because I need to get this little radio working quickly.
What do you need quaz30? I don't know the grounding points but I can take photos. I've got both the National RN-Z500 and the Panasonic RN-500. For anyone that's interested, the National unit is slightly different, the FM band says "FM Wireless" and has the three TV channels marked while the Panasonic has an added Hi-Lo tone switch. It's cool to see the little differences on these rare boxes.
I'd really appreciate hi-res photos of the insides. I need to see exactly which screws and cables go where. There are two major circuit boards - I'd really appreciate photos of both of them.
I'll try to crack it open in the next few days, I've got a pretty busy week still going on but I'd love to help.