this is obviously available allready. make up your mind, wether you like it or not: i‘m quite curious if they sell…
Remember seeing it on Techmoan and ANA[DIA]LOG YouTube channels some time ago. For someone who just wants a new decent walkman to listen to new cassette releases, it will do the job just fine. From the ones I have seen until now, this and the Mullan B-1000EW are the 2 decent walkmans. Do I like it ? Yes and no: the case has a nice design, it's reasonably well built, sound quality is ok (as per YouTube tests I have seen), it has a window. On the other hand it doesn't use AA batteries nor is the 18650 cell removable through a door. Then the fact that it's big is not something I particularly like. If I am to compare it to let's say the Panasonic RQ-S series, these are just so much smaller, better built, have EQ, Dolby, logic control. As a concept, I like the B1000EW more (especially the looks and size) but that one is a bit on the cheap as far as build quality goes.
couldn't have said better myself valentin/////big bulky walkmans went out in the 70's so i would pass on 1 of these guys....better of with a working rq series imho on a personal note i don't like rechargeable anything...screw the environment. when they stop building nuclear plants and idiots like the Russians stop blowing each other up i might think about the environment lol//// think while it's legal because soon it won't be
Sony soldiered on with the WA Series in the 80's, some of the biggest clunky Walkmans every made! The model above is one of the nicer looking versions, with the available market I think they should do ok, nobody is going to get rich but if it also helps to move their tapes, it's a bonus.
Unfortunally the We-Are-Rewind-Player makes too much motor noise - so it`s not my choice to digitalize my tapes... otherwise - i never had tried this with bluetooth
Too big and chunky for me. But it seems that a lot of new cassette collectors think that is the size they should be … they like ‘em big.