This guy is a real professional at repairing decks, he works mostly on higher-end equipment like nak's and such, but ive been watching him for a while and ive yet to see him fail at repairing one hes said he sometimes has people ship him stuff from the US for repairs, but emphasis on sometimes. also sells some of the things he fixes up just figured id share him on here as he does some really fine work
I was under the impression that he was in NY. 'Hifirulezz' sure does an excellent work on decks with a Revox deck being his only failed repair. Very impressive!
When I'm doing some dishes I'll have to dig into his videos. I love these guys coming out of the woodwork and video taping their skills.
hell i never even knew he failed a repair, might have to give it a watch just to see what trouble it put up
I love him: he sometimes renew absolutely irrelevant parts only for a good feeling ( and his englisch is best i`ve heard... ;-) )