Thanks Mystic Traveller, I have a short attention span so when I'm looking something else up and I find these cool old ads I save them, then I tend to look for more. I was surprised to see how much Panasonic used to advertise in the late 70's and early 80's but they did have a very large offering with their different divisions.
$3800 in (I would guess) 1981. That is the equivalent of over $10000 in today's money! I would also be interested to compare the performance with something like 1985's Sony 2010. It wouldn't surprise me if the Sony won, and even if it didn't it is much more practical.
That's just unreal, even today it's expensive at $3800.00. Mark-downs were huge back then, I'd guess 20% off on a good day, which would still put this at over $3000.00. This blog talks about the unit, one of the posts is the purchase of a 2000.00 Euro Unit and talk of a $20,000 USD Unit.
A bit of Googling found this For just $700 more you could have bought a new Datsun 120 The was definitely a radio for the Super-yacht owner.