I have recently aquired a service manual for my Panasonic Stereo-to-go cassette player. This manual includes some dissassembly notes, belt replacement, chip repair procedure, adjustments, a wiring diagram etc. If anyone would be interested any of this information I would be happy to supply it. Hope this helps somebody
Oh! Thank you, I've been looking for the service manual of one of these. I'd love to take up on that offer. You can upload it here perhaps? So others can easily download it too.
+1 to @stuck-in-time !!! I tend to get SM for my resto projects, for the sake of knowing what I am doing and then scan the manuals for upload... Guilty of uploading at least one SM bought as .pdf download (for one of my cassette deck restorations) but for the Manuals from Boomboxery (AnalogAlley) I would never do such a thing: the folks keeping these chatrooms alive should get some $$ help from us!
Here you go, in addition to this there is a circuit boards wiring connection diagram which I will scan if someone request it.
Thank you! It's not always necessary, but it always feel more comfortable having a manual at hand. These are some very lovely units.