PNW new guy

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by NoMoreMoore, Oct 29, 2020.

  1. NoMoreMoore

    NoMoreMoore New Member

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    Kirkland, WA of those trying to share the "80's" with my kids and now have collected a few items off Craigslist. Mostly looking for some gear to play Led Zep to VH to INXS but finding I like a more music and gear in between. So far I have a Pioneer receiver/tt/cassette circa 1978, a Panasonic 5100 boombox, Sony Discman D-5A, and just yesterday an Aiwa 945H for $40! That last one landed me here...looking at a post from Cassette2 Go who needed a photo of the top of the 945 so decided to join. If you need any photos let me know. I know very little about the tech...sorry, but will try.
    Silver965 likes this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome NoMoreMoore, I love that box! It's hard to tell who was working it more, JVC or AIWA, they both popped up with these awesome boxes back then but they were so expensive, I could only dream. Yours is a keeper, DeOxit, FaderLube and new belts are the most common tools for getting started. DeOxit for switches and rotary dials, FaderLube for sliding controls. Both are common at guitar/music stores and made by the same company. They get rid of the dreaded scratching when changing postion of the switches. One of the cool features on some of the older boxes is a MIC in mixing switch, I think it's for singing along with your tapes but I haven't had time to explore that feature yet.
    Cassette2go likes this.

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