Revolutionizing Portable Audio: Unleashing Stereo Sound on the Go.

Discussion in 'Other formats: DCC, MD, Reel 2 reel, CD...' started by Retro Audio Museum, Sep 7, 2023.

  1. Retro Audio Museum

    Retro Audio Museum Active Member

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    The Netherlands
    UHER 4400 Report Stereo IC, made in Germany in 1972, was just as expedition-ready and tropicalized as the world-famous Uher 4000 Report. It used the technology of a large hi-fi stereo device in the smallest of spaces. 4400 is only half the size of a briefcase and can be used anywhere independent of the power supply. The new tape tension controller guarantees excellent synchronization (studio quality) free of sound fluctuations - even under unfavorable recording conditions. State-of-the-art IC output stages (integrated circuits) ensure reliability and noise immunity.


    The main advantage of 4400 was the stereo sound. Stereo brings movement and space to your tape recordings. Trains and cars really "move", and music recordings become clearer and more transparent. If you add sound to slides, you can record music and noises on one stereo channel and speak your commentary on the other.

    With the Uher 4400 Report Stereo IC, you can even add sound to your films with the lip-sync! The Braun company supplied a connector for the Nizo cameras 5560/5800 for the direct recording of synchronous impulses according to the ETS method.
    DutchNick, autoreverser and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Autoreverser got me hooked on the UHER's, my personal collection is small but it includes the Report 4000 Mono Version. I bet the reporters thought they were pretty cool carrying these around back then. Here's a cool website with some spy gadgets including UHER. Us kids used to love hiding recorders back in the early 70s and recording people talking.
  3. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Western Europe
    That switch for tape speed :) changing gears!
    Valentin likes this.

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