I am wondering if anyone has the ribbon cable that connects the front control buttons on Sony WM-DD9 to the logic board? I know this is like, looking for a unicorn but you never know. It was the same when I was looking for the retaining screw for the DD9, I did eventually find one. Anyway if you have one going spare, let me know and we can do a swap or something or I pay.
wish i had kept mine toocool...i had 3 of them but sold one and was scammed, the other 2 i think i threw out as they were beyond repair, even sony couldn't fix them and this was way before the prices we see now, good luck my friend you should ask who is repairing it how many connections are on the ribbon cable you can probably get one for next to nothing on ebay as you can use any one as long as it has the same number of traces as the dd9
Radio Raheem thanks, you know this goes back to the same time that the retaining screw was lost. The same person that lost the screw was the same person that damaged the ribbon cable, I am not lending anything out any more. Anyway Doctor Walkman is fixing it, he said he will fabricate something else to use in its place. I just thought I would try and see if I can find the genuine stuff and if not, I know it can still be fixed. I did already ask autoreverser if he had one going spare as he came to my rescue last time with the missing screw, but he does not have any more broken DD9's.
i wouldn't lend anything or borrow anything why? sods law....i borrowed a console of a friend used it once all fine, plugged it in a few weeks later after a bout of depression and nothing....these things happen bro and i just bought him a replacement a few weeks ago which was actually better and had more games with it... i lent a brand new boombox back in the day to someone and they actually broke one of the capstan bars or whatever they are called....now that was deliberate through jelousy and sucked as it was expensive and had just been bought for me