Sanyo M-G1 Full Working ultra Rare + Sennheiser PX-200

Discussion in 'Stereo2Go classifieds (not auctions)' started by JensMoba/BoomboxFan, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. JensMoba/BoomboxFan

    JensMoba/BoomboxFan Member

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    Angeboten wird hier ein wirklich sehr seltener Walkman aus den 80igern,

    Es handelt sich um den
    Sanyo M-G1 in Silbern ,der Walkman funktioniert
    Ohne Einschränkung Wiedergabe / vor / Rück
    Spulen / Mute Taste alles ok.
    Ein wirklich tolles Sammler Stück.

    Dazu gibs noch paar gebrauchte Sennheiser
    Kopfhörer PX-200 paar Abschürfungen sonst
    Absolut Funktionstüchtig.

    Paar seltene Sony Tapes aus den 80igern
    In Gold ,Nicht im Bild gibs ebenfalls dazu.

    Versand weltweit möglich.

    It offers a really very rare Walkman from the 80s, It is the Sanyo M-G1 in silver, the Walkman works Play back / forward / back without restriction Coil / Mute button everything ok. A really great collector's item. There are also a few used Sennheiser Headphones PX-200 pair of abrasions otherwise Absolutely functional. A couple of rare Sony tapes from the 80s In gold, not included in the picture. Shipping possible worldwide.

    I would like 150 euros negotiating basis plus shipping worldwide

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
    Mister X likes this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Thanks for posting, AO used to talk highly about this model but it's pretty rare to see one.

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