Sanyo M4430 Repaired

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by Migilus Migilacuty, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Migilus Migilacuty

    Migilus Migilacuty Member

    Trophy Points:
    Portland, Oregon
    I got this bad boy in the mail the other day, The listing was super vague but it was so cheap (11$) I took the risk anyway. I've really wanted this model for a while.
    Took a while to get it up and running but I think it was worth it, It probably needs new caps but the sound is still bright and clear, Very good highs. Has some really useful features to like a pitch control and talk line switch, Build quality is really nice too.
    IMG_20180716_144226.jpg IMG_20180716_144253.jpg IMG_20180716_144326.jpg IMG_20180716_144333.jpg IMG_20180716_144347.jpg IMG_20180716_144403.jpg I did the math and with batteries and cassette it weighs Approx 1.3 pounds... Makes my shorts sag a bit when on my belt:wink2 IMG_20180716_144420.jpg The Main issue was that there was corrosion on the circuit board from old batteries as seen here IMG_20180713_110015.jpg
    Here is my sloppy patch job, but hey, it works IMG_20180714_163029.jpg

    Unfortunately I put the battery contacts in the wrong order after cleaning off the corrosion and it overheated the contact and melted the plastic, After rearranging the contacts it works fine now:thumbup: IMG_20180714_134943.jpg Some early 1980's mechanics, this Walkman is Surprisingly quite also. IMG_20180714_132818.jpg Sanyo is starting to grow on me.... Hope y'all enjoy the photos!
  2. ElisioClio

    ElisioClio Member

    Trophy Points:
    Hello. 4 years ago. I was just like Sanyo white. It is much larger than Sony Walkman D6C. And I sold it. Sound high but not perfect to hear quality music. Just any music and voice recording is ideal. Records better Normal cassette. There is no ideal recording cassette and metal chromium. For collection is good and a difference your taste. These congratulations convert and photos.
    Migilus Migilacuty likes this.

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