Delving through the Smash Hits archive I noticed that in 1982 if you couldn't afford a top of the range boombox you could always get a Sharp one with a TV in the middle !
I'm jealous you guys had more of those then we got. They show up for sale every few years and they always want silly money.
They must have spent a lot of money on that advert. Having found it I found it was in the previous three issues as well. You should have tried to win this one I think the unimaginative "Display Colour" would be my tie-breaker. No one would have understood "Play CDs" Unfortunately we are 38 years three weeks too late to enter.
I'd imagine the signed Visage album is probably worth a few bob now too, though I'd have preferred the TV...
Some of the early portable TVs are really nice but I have a feeling the Hong Kong much less expensive versions took over the market and killed the higher end market.