Skye Intro

Discussion in 'Introducing myself' started by SkyeTsow, Feb 9, 2025.

  1. SkyeTsow

    SkyeTsow New Member

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    USA East Coast
    Hey All! My name is Skye. Over the past year I've been getting into cassette decks/walkmans and physical audio in general after finding blogs like PersonalHiFiBlog and WalkmanArchives, I just find them really neat and I love to go through thrift stores and seeing what random things I can pick up for a few bucks.
    Hyperscope and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum Skye. I'm a long time thrifter, I've done outside sales most of my life and I used to break up the day by hitting some stores and garage sales. I got in while it was gravy, finding a ton of cool stuff over the years, probably enough to open a small resale store.

    My advice is to never give up, sure there's days/weeks of nothing but then boom, out of nowhere you find something cool. Always ask if they have "more," last year the sellers went back into the basement and pulled out at least 7 more boomboxes and an Infinity Portable for me.

    My work gets me into a lot of homes, I've seen some massive collections, usually stacked up and buried. There's still a ton of stuff out there waiting for the right day to come out. Good luck!
    Hyperscope likes this.

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