I have just found a Sony headphone MDR-10 in one of my drawers. Can anyone tell me if this headphone came with a particular Walkman. It is red in colour- made in Japan. A quarter inch adaptor screws on to the mini-plug. I have checked my units and the only Walkman missing its headphone is theTC-D3 but if I remember correctly that unit came with foldable headphones. Any body know? I cannot remember buying these separately.
They are not full size cans. The same size as MD-R1 that came with my WM-4. They are coloured red where the drivers are , come with standard 3.5 mini-Jack but a standard phone oluf can be screwed on over the mini-Jack Sony-made in Japan. I dont think they came with any of my units but as I said I dont remember buying them. Cannot find them in any of my brothers or on the net. They couldn't have come with my TC-D3 because there is not enough room in the box. I have lost the headphones that came with the TC-D3 and I'm pretty sure it was a foldable design. I'm hoping you Mr X with your very Google computer knowledge can find some information on them. Sorry still cannot use photos.
There's a thread over on Head-Fi, looks like they were inexpensive replacement models. The number is similar to a ton of other Sony Full Size Headphones. https://www.head-fi.org/threads/sony-mdr-10-not-mdr-r10.535440/
Thanks for the information Mr X. As I said mine are red in colour so maybe older. They're not expensive but another from possibly the eighties.