My Sony Electrostatic Headphones ECR-500 that I bought back in the late 1970's. Just wondering if anyone on the forum still uses Electrostatics. These headphones have only been used 3-4 times and that was when I first bought them. Looking forward to hearing from anyone.
I have a pair of Foster ADP-03 Electrostatic Headphones, only ever wired them up once as they are Japanese voltage, and I'm not even sure I connected them up correctly either!
I found a pair of 70's Stax Headphones in the middle of knowhere Wisconson years ago but never had the adapter to hook them up. Back then the adapters were much, much cheaper on ebay but I never made the purchase.
It appears that the Stax headphones were popular back then compared to the Sony's. I never listened to the Stax and as I said I only used these phones 2-3 times when I purchased them. That was when I had the Sony TAF-6B amplifier that I bought about the same time. They still work ok because I got my brothe-in -law to connect them to his Pioneer amp which unfortunately is only 30+30 watts per channel. These phones require a lot more power to drive them properly.
I had know idea about the power requirements, after looking at the adapter it looks like the speaker outputs go direct to the adapter. Did you like them? I wear headphones for work and just want big speakers at the end of the day so I haven't had an incentive to complete the Stax but I'll probably keep an eye open over winter to complete the set.
I remember when I first connected them up to the TAF-6B (100watts/ channel) they sounded beautiful. They have a switch on the adaptor that allows you to switch between headphones and speakers. I had the Sony G-5 speakers back then. The sound as far as I can remember was very warm, good overall frequency response. I just wish i still had that amplifier and speakers. I would love to set them up again. Your Stax sound very similar to the Sony's. If you are able to connect yours up i think you should give it a go. Hearing is believing.