Hi Can anyone offer some assistance? My old tape deck went kapputt a few months ago and I then found a Sony TC-WE435 on ebay...£25 plus £14 for p&p. Due to the seller falling ill it took nearly 6 weeks to arrive but all the time we were "chatting" so no worries on the delay Once it arrived....oh dear...it didn`t work... kept throwing up E on both decks. So I took the unit apart and the belts are still intact... Now I am a knob when it comes to technology (doesn`t matter how basic) so I emailed a UK belt seller twice for some guidance and still nothing... So my question is ....when you push play the wheels spin and then the unit goes tap tap, wheels spin and then it stops..E appears on the dash. The belts do feel as if they have plenty of give in them so could this be the issue or is there another problem? Now the seller is a gent and he refunded me the full price and I have told him that If I re-sell the unit I will give him all the money bar ebay fees etc..... But I would love to fix it and then I can repay the guy any monies owing to him....only fair.... So does anyone have any advise?
watch what happens inside the mechanism when you turn the deck ON: there is just one motor and one belt which does all the job. If belt is stretched then mechanism won't be able to set into Start position. From what I see fixing right now a similar cheapie, Both cassettes must work, but maybe I am wrong here. Will update later. Do not expect much help from those with "know-how", these cheap double decks are not worth fixing, so probably they just do not know... sorry, somehow this sounds wrong, "they" do know but the time wasted on such deck is the time, well, wasted...
Hi Jorge Thanks. I look forward to any insight you may have..... I know the deck isn't a "Nag" but when funds are tight a deck is a deck......
Find the cheapest new belts that fit your model first. For All in one boombox type mechs like these, a single motor does all the work, including changing modes and raising the heads. A weak belt will prevent successful mode changes, and errors. Or, sell it and get a working single well deck with better specs if a new belt kit for this sony is too expensive.
Hi Bubs Thanks for the help. I have seen a set on ebay for £10.99 so I will decide whether to sell the unit or fix it.....