Hello. Does anyone know year model sony tcs 470? Internet says 1992? I do not think so. I have manual service book says 1985. what is difference?
One of the members has a cool website with this model showing 1992 as the build date and radiomuseum.com also shows that date. I don't know if it's correct or not but someone was putting together a spreadsheet on S2G with release dates several years ago that you could try to find. Here's the website, looks like a pretty cool model, and then there's a photo of the build information, I can't see a date on the photo. Some models are also on the pocketcalculator website. https://personalhifiblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/
Wow, that thing was expensive, $301.00 USD, $684.00 adjusted for inflation..... The flat mics are very interesting, I don't think I've ever seen a set-up like that.
Machaneus: Great, you have a catalog book. Maybe they manufactured year 1985 and public sale year 1986. Example "news". for 1986.