Sony Walkman - Model Mapping and Overview Table

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Emiel, Dec 2, 2021.

  1. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Western Europe
    I was inspired by many other members here on S2Go.

    Sometimes it is not easy to find out some details of Walkmans, as the service manual is nowhere to be found:
    for example the WM-EX911 thread by @RTB in which I suggested a tape mechanism similarity with the EX511 (based on that service manual).
    Other times, a model has many different variants that are not documented yet:
    like the WM-2 thread by @JUAN ANDRES MONTIEL DIEZ and findings from @Valentin in it.
    Other examples are the clutch problem @Valentin posted about recently.

    To not lose oversight of all these details, I decided to start with the overview included below.
    It took me a while to log some of these findings.

    Now I am now looking for active contributors to a) update existing information, and b) insert new Walkmans!
    I could use help too with how to integrate details from the common problems thread and/or repair tutorials thread, even if just links to the right threads per (group of) Walkman(s).
    The source file includes - besides the overview - 1 sheet per Walkman.
    It is available on Microsoft 365 for online editing.
    Please send me a private message if you would like to contribute!

    Thank you.

    2021-12 - Sony Model Mapping - DRAFT.png
  2. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Western Europe
    Thanks for the likes so far! Let me know what I need to do to make contributing more interesting.
    Would we need a static page/thread here on S2Go to link appropriate information to specific models or ranges? Anything else?
  3. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I can't read the photo, can you do a larger version?

    It looks like great stuff and you put a lot of work into it.
  4. Emiel

    Emiel Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

    Trophy Points:
    Western Europe
    Thanks for the feedback :)
    The larger version can be opened in the pop-up, show original:
    Still not original resolution, and a bit outdated since a few changes have been made to the source file..

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