Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Philip Taylor, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. Philip Taylor

    Philip Taylor Active Member

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  2. CDV

    CDV Well-Known Member

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    [​IMG] 6 viewed per hour, wow! The red velvet is almost as good to sell cassette decks and walkmans as a reel-to-reel cassette inside or orange headphones :)

    The EX10/FX10 are the very first ones from the 1990-1999 cheap plastic walkman generation. Some things have later improved.

    In particular, the early models have a different cassette door mechanism. They have gears made from black plastic, which are lubricated. When I took apart the EX19 that was released as part of the initial model lineup, I saw dried grease on the gears, had to clear it up and put fresh synthetic grease. Later models have gears made of white slick plastic and no grease. Either way, these walkmans are noisy.

    The DC socket is different in size from later models, and the polarity is different: all the later models have positive inside, negative outside.

    It was sold for $25 or so new thirty years ago. People used to pick them up for $3 in thrifts. I get it, not everyone has time to wander thrift stores, still can get a newer one for twice cheaper on eBay.
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    With help from @CDV 's excellent video
    I have just rebelted one of these. I've not much to add apart from this photo
    Sony WM-FX10.JPG
    and the following advice
    • Removing the back is quite difficult. Not quite the same level as Seagate disc drives but close.
    • Try not to dislodge the tuner pointer when working on the inside. it needs to go down far enough to engage with a small gear
    • Check everything before clipping the back back on. Luckily I did, as at first I didn't have the belt properly engaged and had dislodged the tuning pointer
    The Walkman seems to have a lot of Bass, sounding similar to Mega-Bas models but without any means of turning it off. It can also go very loud. There is definitely no AVLS or similar on this one. Trying a tape in it I made the mistake of turning the volume up and up while the head was still going over the leader. I certainly knew when I got to the recording :omg:
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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  4. CDV

    CDV Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, opening them up is a pain. To do it right you need to use a plastic spudger, I have one, but misplaced it and used a thin flat screwdriver, which leaves marks. The worst thing is un-clawing the first couple of "claws" as Sony called them, it should be all done simultaneously. After opening half a dozen of these, I broke one inner claw in one of them, and two outer tabs on another one. I taped over it with gaffer's tape :) Pro-tip: do not use electrical tape, its glue melts over time and turns messy.

    These cheap machines are not half-bad, actually. They are noisy, and one of them I got is REALLY noisy, I mean, mechanically.
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  5. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    I actually started off with the clips inside the cassette compartment while trying to open up a gap at the back near the cassette door hinge using my nails. Once I had disengaged two of the clips inside the cassette compartment I had a gap big enough to jam an old bank card in the gap at the back then worked my around the outside of the case. It is always useful to have something like bank cards to put in the gaps and stop the clips re-engaging

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