Hi everyone. Need some help. Can anyone tell me how many belts in the Sony wm- 34. My brother in law has just recived 1 belt but i thought there was 2. Can anyone help please?
No I cannot tell you but I can ask that whom ever has this model to simply open it up an look inside and see as there are no picture in the net of this open and as I am in the usa I do not have this particular model or I have not come across it just yet.
Hi Cassette 2go. Thanks for reply. Greetings from England. I tried to look up on the net but could not find any information on this model. EX-36, yes but not the 34. Thanks again for your help.
If I had this model I would just open it and find out. I'll tell you what you can ship it to me and I will unscrew it or if it is one of the Screwless design that Sony has made also I with just Pry it open by carefully working it around to POP it open. Yeah just ship it here and I can figure this out in a hurry
Hi Cassette2go. Thanks for offer but my brother in law is going to replace the belt. I just need to know if it is 1or 2 belts.
I do not know this but I do know where to get belts locally for the larger walkmans and for the smaller ones I would go here = www.ebay.com/itm/One-New-Rubber-Drive-Belt-for-Sony-Walkman-WM-EX35-EX36-EX102-EX108-/290768346201
Hi stereo2go. Have never seen so many belts. How long did it take you? I'm very impressed. Thanks for all your help.
No those are not my belts as that is the place where I buy belts at IMG_6455 Belts www_atlaselectronicsinc_com contact-atlas-electronics_html here local to me in their back room www.atlaselectronicsinc.com/ are those picture I took - so I can remember which places I can go for certain sizes for certain models an such
This model uses 2 different size drive belts. This mechanism is common in several low end Sony walkman units. You can buy them here: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/2-BELTS-FOR...136864?hash=item3b0d5afb60:g:REYAAOSw9~5ZWU6g