Hello, My first post here. Last year I bought a D6C in working condition. I also bought Marian's rubber replacement set for the unit but I have still change the tire/belts As is the case with about 90% of D6C's offered on Ebay, mine came without a shoulder strap. I noticed that a seperate strap goes for 30-60 € on the bay. I wonder if someone came up with a home made replacement and if anyone has any tips to make one. I did a search and haven't found this question answered before. Thanks in advance !
I think you can get something like a camera shoulder strap which is very cheap but nicer and do some work to fit it to the D6C case. I have some Walkman accessories and i will see whether or not have extra D6C shoulder strap
I think a camera strap with mini sling like this one should work - www.ebay.com/itm/371463683650 . I just bought two for my D6C.