I stumbled across a website in Berlin that sells vintage stuff and they had for sale a new old stock Sony DD11. It arrived yesterday and looks like new. I changed the belt but it makes a high pitch squeel when playing. I presume the caps are gone. Where can I locate new caps to install? I do have another DD11 which had the caps replaced and I swapped the board over so the new DD11 now plays like it should amazing. thanks
DD11 is direct drive walkman. I havn't open any DD11 yet to see inside and i didn't know if it comes with a belt As far as i know the only direct drive walkman that comes with a belt is WM-2.
There used to be a kit on e-bay with all replacement caps, but I cannot find it now. The caps are all surface mount, not the easiest ones to replace. The DD11 is direct drive, but in place of the big gear of the other DD's it has a belt. Th WM-2 is actually not direct drive, the capstan is driven by a belt and the feedback is provided by the motor itself as in WM-3.
I am getting all caps from DigiKey or Mouser, it is very easy to find the right caps there. Voltages can be (and usually are) higher than the original (which is a good thing!) but for your DD11 make sure that you select the right size!!! or it won't fit. You may also find these threads helpful: http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/list-of-common-walkman-capacitors.23/ http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/list-of-common-walkman-capacitors-2017.1246/#post-23739
I'm actually recapping a dd11 right now! I got the components from Farnell in the UK Good luck with your project!
In case people don't know, Farnell is called Newark in the USA. I don't know if all countries use the same part numbers. I do know that they have different ranges, which makes sense given that they both sell items like electrical fittings.
I like Newark name, resonates with Philip Roth novels I fell in love with these last few years (was confused why he never got caught into my radar, and a few month ago finally checked Wikipedia: the Dude is a Nobel Prize Winner! My radar has gotten misaligned by too much sci-fi/Nebula Awards reading...) Newark has some interesting stuff like pinchrollers and tyres, but Digikey site is much more intuitive for ordering caps and such. Once I get over my recent obsession with fixing boomboxes (@nickeccles should be blamed for this sidetracking!) I will get to fixing my DD11, quite a few Panasonics, and a full box of broken Discmans-babies!
Hard to argue, fixing bboxes is almost more fun than listening to them while caressing a glass of Ale!... But even when "recovered" I wont go far: Walkmans and Discmans (and my half-un-finished Valkyrie and F-5A) are not that different... except that you need a magnifier All The Time