Strange discovery and both DATs work

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Farlander, Nov 8, 2018.

  1. Farlander

    Farlander Member

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    Well that didn't take long, just started working on the DAT players and I found both work. The problem with the one that didn't work was a simple case of bent battery terminals, with a little screw driver I got them right back.

    Now the D8 works perfectly which is great, but the D7 seemed to have a dat cassette stuck in backwards which was easy to pull out, though it froze the mechanism. So all I need to do now is get that unstuck and it should work, just so ya know I'm not lying here's a few pictures.


    Right here in this picture is the most interesting aspect, the error code that tells the problem as there's a list of em in the service manual.
    Mister X likes this.

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