Ten reasons why I love my Walkman

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by TheBomber, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. TheBomber

    TheBomber New Member

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    I’ve been thinking about these for a while but with the Facebook fiasco currently in the news this seemed like an apt time to post it on here. Obviously I do use computers - which is why I love to turn my back on them at times:
    1. I've owned my Walkman since 1991 and in that time it has never once needed a software update
    2. Similarly, it's never needed to be reset to factory settings
    3. I've never forgotten the username or password to use my Walkman
    4. When I press a button it reacts - there are no unexplained delays
    5. It doesn't beep at me when it's working, when it isn't and to tell me other things that I know already
    6. There are no menus - it has a button, switch or dial for every function
    7. When the batteries die I change them, no need to throw the whole unit in landfill
    8. I don't need a computer to use my Walkman
    9. I can see something happening as it creates lovely music
    10. It doesn't track where I am, where I've been and what I had for tea
    Feel free to add some more of your own.
    Boodokhan and febed01 like this.
  2. febed01

    febed01 New Member

    Trophy Points:
    - No ads popups
    - No license expiration or "Purchase the full version to unlock the Rewind button"
    - If you travel in different countries, your appstore won't automatically delete your content according to local censorship (heard it happened with Google Play Books but I don't know if it's still the case)
    - May enhance ASMR listening
    - No crash disk concern for audio
    - Don't die when 2 years old
    - No malware, virus, hacker intrusion
    Command8 likes this.
  3. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    - it brings lots of good memories
    - doesn't have monthly subscription fee
    - even if start to fail it will bring fun and excitement of repairing it
  4. speedy2.0

    speedy2.0 Active Member

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    Music sounds better, on a properly maintained unit anyway. It’s not like comparing apples and oranges, different units bring different character to the tracks maybe but tape is a nicer playback medium. Unless the unit isn’t working obviously, I’ll only go digital where I can’t get a tape
  5. PHILIP[

    PHILIP[ Member

    Trophy Points:
    No pornography

    no dark web

    no grooming

    no Facebook

    no software updates

  6. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    And most importantly:
    No need for an internet connection to listen to music!!
  7. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Another one which applies to CDs as well. No regional encoding.
    A cassette or CD made anywhere in the world will play on a player made or sold anywhere else.

    I am sure I have mentioned the Tone Damli album that I couldn’t buy as a download because I’m not in Norway.
    Apparently only Norwegians are allowed to listen to her (unless you go on Youtube),
    And no there isn’t anything remotely rude about her music.

    Instead I bought a second hand copy of her CD from Germany.
    The most expensive CD I have ever bought but I had a point to prove.
  8. TooCooL4

    TooCooL4 Well-Known Member

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    It works and it gives me pleasure and if it breaks, at least I can try and fix it myself.

    With regards to Facebook or any social media, if you think you are getting a free lunch well you are not. Frankly if you are stupid enough to give your data out to any twat that promise you something for free, you only have yourself to blame and don’t complain when someone misuses the data.
  9. enryfox

    enryfox Active Member

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    close to Milan (Italy)
    Sorry, I could not resist... having said I only listen to walkman's when on the go, here is what I miss compared to listening music on my iPhone:
    • having to decide beforehand what to listen, I can't carry all my "library" (literally in that case) with me.
    • having to fill my pocket with tapes if I want to listen to more than 60/90 minutes of music
    • if I want to listen to songs spread on several tapes, I cannot create a "playlist" on the fly
    • I have to remember if the battery is charged and, no, the walkman will not warn me when the battery is almost dead
    • I cannot sync my music automatically, I have to sit and make a tape trying to fit the songs on each side. Most of the time is fun, sometime is an hassle.
    • having to wait minutes before the auto-reverse kicks in. Either the selection of songs fits perfectly the tape length or I have to add an extra song which will be truncated
    • Finding a precise song on a 90 minutes tape is often rather complicated; better listen to the whole tape as it is and wait until the song arrives
    • channels balance is always a surprise, especially on pre-recorded tapes.
    • pre-recorded tapes mostly sound like crap, even new ones just unwrapped.
    • if someone calls me I have to reach for the phone in my pocket, stop the music (if I do not want to miss some songs) and hold the phone with one hand, it is not just pressing a button to answer...
  10. funkitall

    funkitall Active Member

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    All great reasons for The little tape player..... for me it is the fun. sorry I sniggered when typing this.....holding something solid in my hand..(if a DD then the click vibrate) but also playing tapes from your youth and remembering the next track and this from a tape that may not have been played in 25 plus odd years.....:reelspin::reelspin::boogie:
  11. ciclosysombras

    ciclosysombras Member

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    Alicante, Murcia, España
    The walkmans is the correct way to carry and enjoy your vinyl collection easy and listen it anywere keeping his big part of his particular sound texture. Convert the vinyl to digital format like mp3 for portable player is a waste of time and money, for this use the CDs ;)

    Los walkmans son la manera correcta de llevar y disfrutar tu colección de vinilos con su textura sonora característica. Convertir un vinilo a formato digital, como por ejemplo mp3, es una completa pérdida de tiempo y dinero, para ello utilicen los CDs ;)

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