Hello guys! It's been some time since my last post here. I have had hard time this and last year and could barely enjoy any cassette or walkman/deck. So many time with my passion frozen due to important personal and profesional reasons... But luckily things start to align well and I hope I'll recover my passion for them again bit by bit. And this weekend I'll be CJ'ing (DJ'ing with cassettes) with my D6Cs and my specially prepared cassettes at the Barcelona International Disc Fair. Actually I'll be playing my music on saturday 5th from 14h to 17h. You can check it and buy tickets here: https://feriainternacionaldeldisco.com So if you're near here and want to see me or meet, feel free to jump to there!
Let us know earlier next time! I would love to attend and make a little vacation out of it, timeframe is just too short. Have a good set!