Goldstar TSR-801 For Sale

I need to sale some of these Boomp Boomps from my collection.

Starting first with this very large & loud Goldstar TSR-801.
It's one of my favsNod Yes.
Probs or annoyances:
1. The tape select knob itself is broke, however, the selector switch still works.
2. The deck stopped working. I fixed it once but the belt slipped and I left it alone. It's included.
3. No antennas but reception is surprisingly still good.
4. The volume on the left channel goes faint sometimes but if you cycle the Function selector it will come back.

Overall condition is 8 of 10
I cleaned & painted the grilles years ago but it could use a freshening. Pics coming soon. PM offers, if fair let's deal if not, posting to Ebay in a few days. ** Listed: Goldstar

“Daddy, are you done mixing yet?”
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