Unreal sound! Sony MDR-CD 5 pro digital monitor
dbxs - 2014-07-19 17:50
This is Sonys first pair of digital headphones! In 1983 Sony company out did themselves with the best ever H-AIR pro monitor MDR-CD 5 headphones! Some of the best sounding cans ever with 2-22,000 response! I am very lucky to find this piece of history, complete with the box!
tster - 2014-07-20 03:15
Beauties. These look very high end. Great score.
samovar - 2014-07-20 03:35
Fantastic! Well done dbxS, and thanks for sharing those beauties with us!
deliverance - 2014-07-20 06:01
Rare find well done .
dbxs - 2014-07-20 22:55
In the early eighties, this was one of the best pair of Sony headphones that you could buy! Much like the MDR-5 and MDR-7 series of 1978, you actually had the choice of paying a bit more for the same phones but a little better response. So you could get the Sony MDR-CD7 and pay more, for the very best! Then came the MDR-CD6, which was the next in the line. These were the new best! This new and improved version had a smother look and design, along with a bit better response of 2-26,000 Hz! I actually like the fact that I was able to score the box! It is the ultimate display item for these rare cans!
kin - 2014-08-05 13:48
Super super super rare! Great find.
Pretty nice to see the quality of packaging and how today's packaging still has some similar styling features.
jimmyd728 - 2014-08-05 13:54
Those are really nice. I really love this site, so much great things to look at!
retro - 2014-08-05 14:37
Had a pair in the 80's, one of the best portables I've owned until this day. I also had a few pairs of the CD-6 which came out a little later. Congrats dbxS!
dbxs - 2014-08-06 16:36
nofarewell - 2015-03-30 05:38
Sorry to resurrect this post, but can you describe the sound? Is it warm, natural, how are the lows/mids/highs?
Thanks in advance
dbxs - 2015-03-31 01:52
These phones have a great blend of highs, and lows. The lows are not overpowering super bass, a lot of the lows are achieved from the ear cup, air tight connection. The highs are crisp, without being too bright. The perfect blend for a man of all seasons, and all that crap, and so on...
walkman.archive - 2015-04-14 01:11
Excellent find, Dean!
Didn't see this thread but those headphones look very good, and having them in such good condition, boxed, is simply great. Well done!
nofarewell - 2016-03-01 05:42
Can someone help telling me the thickness of the foams in cm or in inches? Thanks in advance
retro - 2016-03-01 08:42
Hi NOFAREWILL, you can order replacement foams through taobao though they're a little awkward on the CD6.
nofarewell - 2016-03-01 08:51
Thanks! Though I thought I might fabricate some foams from raw or make-up foam material, that's why I asked to know exactly what thickness I need for some diy work
Do you own these btw on the pictures?
retro - 2016-03-01 10:27
These are the auction photos for the pads, mine are long gone unfortunately.
nofarewell - 2016-04-19 01:32
Do you think these are fir for the M88? Because I have some news: after a relatively long wait and countless search: and the ridiculous fact is that I cannot find any technical info on the net. If you have any infos, pleasea advise
nofarewell - 2016-04-19 02:21
And one more thing, can you send the taobao link? I cannot find anything there... thanks