roborob - 2009-05-14 06:22
I need help please!
I have a C 100 F Conion and I had a problem. I polarized with 15 volts in reverse and broke a transistor, I opened and found but I can not see or know that their numbers transistor model is.
This plate in the top center. The transistor is just in front of other transistors that have metal for the heat. I put a picture here.
Transistor Broken Board transistor Can anyone tell me what is transistor model and its features? or put a photo? Thank you very much,
Greetings from Spain.
d325 hard mofo to get
here is a cross reference type d325 in the box$$Search?OpenForm
Thank you! is hard to find? Where can I find? I thought it was a 5 volt regulator transistor 7805.
Thanks again anyway
Trying to find nos original is hard i mean.U could use what ever tickles youre fancy.