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Sharp GF-9292 deck issue

expert662 - 2011-05-23 11:00

Hello everybody, I have a Sharp GF 9292 with the little rubber grommet problem that´s been mentioned in a post a couple of years ago for a GF9696  :




By the way the solution described worked fine with my GF-6060!!

Now I have a GF-9292 with the same problem : the little piece of rubber has turned into oil, but given the GF 9292 mechanism looks the same as the GF 9696, I have a simple question : how can I remove  the capstan? The 9292 has the same plastic wheel attached to the capstan as in your 9696 (see picture) :sharp capstan pulley

It seems that first it is neccesary to remove the little white plastic wheel . i don´t know how to do that and I don´t want to make a mistake and break the little piece.

Please I´ll be very thankful if anybody can help me indicating how to do that.


Thanks in advance

davebush - 2011-05-23 13:16

just pull the flywhell from behind the mech and the needle will come out leaving that pully behind...be carefull not to lose the tiny washers