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Panasonic RX 5500 LED MOD

maxx134 - 2012-07-14 13:34

Hey Guys I decided to Mod this mid-sized Panny and thought,
It won't be a big deal, just a lil simple mod, but as time wore on into the night, and too much caffeene in my system from racking my brains,
on figuring out the multiple double sided circuit boards for proper power tapping for the LEDs ...
I got dam carried away I think and here is the result this mourning so far:
EDIT: second video looks better:
Pics to follow..
EDIT: OK here are the pics:
The blue LEDs inside the controls alternate
Dail and piano keys are frost white,
while center controls and tape counter shine into cassette area is blue..

Also notice their is no light dimming when blasting.


I will be opening it up one last time to reduce the Dial brightness, and to toggle the lights with the meter on/off toggle.
I already tested this control has no real access and its pins are all used or removed
no matter I am placing a second swith inside unit that gets activated by this toggle.
Also there is plenty space on side unit panel where jacks are I can drill and add a switch if I wanted, but going for a stealth and OEM feel..


driptip - 2012-07-14 14:44

very good maxx,  how many leds did you put on the dial? like 15? thats why is so bright?

and i like the effect on the knobs leds, do they go with the beat or just blink like that?

lav.loo - 2012-07-14 15:37

looks really nice, although i prefer boxes to stay original, would 8 d cells even power that up now

retro - 2012-07-14 17:45

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

looks really nice, although i prefer boxes to stay original, would 8 d cells even power that up now

Same here, but I wouldn't mind modding a box if I had more than one of the same model number.

lav.loo - 2012-07-15 02:22

yes i agree Retro, if i had a couple then i suppose i could sacrifice one

although somebody would have to do it for me

maxx134 - 2012-07-16 19:34

ya  I decided to tone it down a bit on the dail light and instead go with a blue glow..
Will post results tomorrow.

maxx134 - 2012-07-18 08:20

Hi ok well I had to go for practicality, functionality and performance so I didn't want any power issues with the box so I toned it down a bit visually,

but electrically-wise it is much much better.

Only Led blue glow over the dial pointer and it moves with the dial.

Blue Leds slightly dimmer more natural looking.

Cassette area lowered intensity overall and also it varies in intensity and does changes same pace with the blue toggles for a more uniform change.

This is last change although I may smooth-en out the transitions on the cassette area.

All working well now and more natural Mod than before I think was overboard.

My goal was to highlight natural features of the model without changing it too much.

Also the Leds are now turned on and off with the meter switch!, which was a huge pain.

Video Here!


ao - 2012-07-18 08:22

You're clearly showing the love here but personally speaking I'd have left it be.

maxx134 - 2012-07-18 10:37

yes if I knew before hand all the nightmares of trouble and mine-fields of pronlems I probably would have skipped this lol.The final result paid off for me I am satisfied with it...but not for long..
Onto the next box! ha

dave.moreno - 2013-06-24 13:44

Is this for sale anywhere??....I'd definitely be interested in purchasing one