Where does one buy new drive belts?
stationwagonguy - 2012-11-26 23:24
Well, I've got a pair of used belts for my tape deck (thanks spoofington!), but I figure if I'm going this far, I might as well buy a new set instead of chancing 30 year old rubber inside my boombox.
So, where does one go to order new belts? And how do I measure them properly?
traveler - 2012-11-27 03:15
Well, I've got a pair of used belts for my tape deck (thanks spoofington!), but I figure if I'm going this far, I might as well buy a new set instead of chancing 30 year old rubber inside my boombox.
So, where does one go to order new belts? And how do I measure them properly?
Dont know what your tape deck is; boombox? brand? model number?
Is this for a 'tape deck' = Home deck or boombox?
Have you tried Google? ( tape deck or boombox?? = Brand, Model number, + "Cassette drive belt" ) Searching for?
First picture in this thread (below) should give you a idea about how to measure for belts, then you simply double that measurement.