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Started to clean up vz2000 number 4

jasoncambs - 2009-11-26 12:33

I picked this one up today . Very straight with no scratching . But has a layer of protective grease and nicotine I think Smile
I have cleaned the silver part of the turntable door to show how clean it will be when finished .
This one needs a arial and turntable belt then should be quite tidy .

mkf - 2009-11-27 13:08

Good luck and sent picts .

ash25 - 2009-11-29 07:23

Yes that smoke laden film is hard to get off and you definitely see the difference once removed. Nice VZ. I like this boxx very much and I have 3.

andyboombox - 2009-12-09 03:09

just got my vz this morning- believe mine needs a good clean, thanks to nicotine,etc.what cheapish products do you reckon i should use to clean it, without knackering it up?
also-are these babies bass flat?cos mines not that bassy at all.perhaps itll sound better once ive listened to it for a while!

brigadier - 2009-12-09 04:17

good luck with cleaning Jason and Andy!

chancenellie - 2009-12-09 17:36

Andy,the VZ's don't have much bass,both my 2000 and 2500 are lacking,you get used to it Frown

andyboombox - 2009-12-10 02:15

ah well, i love this thing anyway!
now, if only i could get the damn record player to work.....
btw welcome brigadier-you'll love this site, and all of us!!!!!