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NevOne collection - pictures updated periodically

mr.vu - 2014-09-10 19:50

Nguyên văn bởi NevOne:





Mua này cho 11,24 Euro. Đài phát thanh hoạt động, thiếu một số nút, thắt lưng có thể và giao diện của nó ... các loa.

Dù sao, đẹp trai vỏ.

11 Euros, too cheap.
Here is one of Korea boombox production right?
and no longer seem to Conion c100f

ao - 2014-09-10 20:24

That's the Sony I've been looking out for!!! Superb package, very nice find indeed. Shout if you ever want to rid.

radio.raheem - 2014-09-10 20:46

It would cost a fortune to send one of these to you Ao never mind the cost of the unit...i have 2 or 3 of them mate...you should have come to mine you could of had one free

paul.botta - 2014-10-11 08:30

Originally Posted by NevOne:

Scored a new one today.

Jvc PC V88. Nice unit, 90s style, great sound.



Found one too. Is it worth it? Mucho plastic inside or it's heavy old school style?

nevone - 2014-10-12 02:09

I know the one that you found. He asks too much cause it is boxed. I would pay about half or a third of that price. It is a good beater...

nevone - 2014-11-08 09:54

A new addition to the bunch is the super mini Sony ZX7.

Actually I bought 2, but just one arrived yet.

This one was hunted down by our one and only Deech, which I would like to thank again for it

The Black version:






deech - 2014-11-09 08:36

Enjoy Nev !!!

Not one but two of them makes you such a fan !!

nevone - 2014-11-29 16:13

And the second one arrived some time ago, from our member Boomfire.

This one is more complete, as it have the original power adapter, cut to its size





However this is not actually what I wanted to share today with you but this:


Panasonic RX A2 - wanted one for so long, finally got one.






I have a pretty large collection right about now. Will no longer grab just any box, but just some that are on my "special wanted" list. That list is still kindof large, but as I noticed, the boxes tend to come up eventually.

deech - 2014-11-30 09:21

The Panasonic RX-A2 looks such a powerful machine.

Congratsulations Nevone for adding it to your collection.

If i had one i would plug a guitar and start playing immediately.

Thats if i had a guitar and an RX-A2 !!

tim.chapman - 2014-11-30 09:58

I don't collect Boomboxes, just Sony Walkmans BUT I want one of these!!!

valachev - 2014-12-01 01:49

Първоначално публикувано от Tim Чапман:

Аз не събираме Boomboxes, само на Sony уокмени , НО искам един от тях !!!

Your country...from?

tim.chapman - 2014-12-01 07:31

I'm in Canada, on the West Coast just outside of Vancouver BC.

nevone - 2015-02-11 06:41

A new addition to my collection...

A quite nice Sony FH215.

Not as good as my FH414 or FH7 MK2 but still better than many others.

Missing the handle. Anyone have a spare?








nevone - 2015-02-24 06:49

A new little addition to my boombox family: a mini Silver ST2000X






Described by the seller as being in "perfect condition". Apparently the notion of perfect includes paint being chipped in several places, tape counter button missing and aerial changed and screwed in place in a very bad manner. Well, live and learn .


I have also packed two of my nicer boomboxes in order to move them into storage and took some pictures of them:


My Technics SA-C05 and my Silver SR8800L













As I mentioned, I am at the moment between homes and most of my collection is in storage.

I hope I will have a boombox room, hopefully at the end of this year, until then, here's a shot with all my collection



brutus442 - 2015-02-24 07:16

Originally Posted by NevOne:

A new addition to my collection...

A quite nice Sony FH215.

Not as good as my FH414 or FH7 MK2 but still better than many others.

Missing the handle. Anyone have a spare?








That's a sweet unit NevOne. I almost had my mitts on one recently but was outbid at the last moment.


Oh well...I save my coins for another day

nevone - 2015-02-24 10:19

I definitely agree. That real graphic equalizer makes it really cool. Not as cool as a FH7 which has a more old school charm but still cool in my book. Too bad I miss the handle...

nevone - 2015-03-05 00:10

A new addition to my collection:

A near mint all working JVC PC-X1000. 6CD Changer.

Sticker still present.

Nearly gave me a hernia.

Very happy about this find.


I thought the unit was much smaller than it actually is, as the usual photos that you find on the webs are from the front, not showing the depth of it. Also, in order to figure out how big a unit is I use the tape door for reference, but here they were somehow partially "hidden" by the face plate design...


Here are some pics that do not do the unit justice (made with my phone)...












jamesrc550 - 2015-03-05 05:38

Originally Posted by NevOne:

A new addition to my collection:

A near mint all working JVC PC-X1000. 6CD Changer.

Sticker still present.

Nearly gave me a hernia.   Very happy about this find.

 I thought the unit was much smaller than it actually is, as the usual photos that you find on the webs are from the front, not showing the depth of it. Also, in order to figure out how big a unit is I use the tape door for reference, but here they were somehow partially "hidden" by the face plate design...

 Here are some pics that do not do the unit justice (made with my phone)...

JVC PC-X1000. 6CD Changer. (use the tape door for reference)

I use the same way to get a idea as to measure these.

 (showing the depth of it)  Did you remember that the horizontal 'cd' would need at least Five or even Six inch's of depth

mnt - 2015-03-05 14:00

I want it too! I already have 3  boomboxes from JVC with a cd player an a hyper bass system. Too bad it doesn't  have a handle.

nevone - 2015-03-05 22:22

It actually has 2 handles in the back. I have the PC-V88 as well, but compared to this unit , the v88 looks and feels like a cheap toy. This was indeed the best JVC could do at that time.

mnt - 2015-03-06 01:38

It was meant to be more like a stationary mini stereo I think. My favourite with a handle is PC-V2 , I just love the desing of it. It looks harder and weights more than a v88.

JVC 1987 portbable audio catalog extra [2)

radio.raheem - 2015-03-06 05:13

Originally Posted by NevOne:

A near mint all working JVC PC-X1000. 6CD Changer.

Very nice Nevone i have always wanted this model and have no doubt of her capabilities....great score ny man, congrats buddy

nevone - 2015-07-21 08:48

This thread has been started 5 years ago.

However it seems that I didn't stop.

After a 3 month wait, I finally picked up a Japanese import from the Customs office. Panasonic RX DT 909 "Cobra Top". Had to pay tax for it unfortunately. Will go directly to the repair man as the voltage is 100 vs 220 and for a general check-up.




hardmen - 2015-07-21 09:21

I have one...   ...and LOVE!!!
Maybe you make some tests with Batteries.

litfan - 2015-07-21 09:52

You could have at least, put a mat under it .

nickfish - 2015-07-21 11:25

Does this one have the motorised cassette doors like the DT75? I was surprised to find the DT707 did not and was also surprised that Panasonic did not bother with a back-light for the LCD displays.

vlad - 2015-07-21 22:54

Originally Posted by NevOne:

This thread has been started 5 years ago.

However it seems that I didn't stop.

After a 3 month wait, I finally picked up a Japanese import from the Customs office. Panasonic RX DT 909 "Cobra Top". Had to pay tax for it unfortunately. Will go directly to the repair man as the voltage is 100 vs 220 and for a general check-up.




Hey man , congratulations . I know that you were waiting for a long time for it to arrive .Hope you are happy with the purchase.
Can't wait for the impressions when you will listen to it on mains . Does it have a remote ?

nevone - 2015-07-21 23:39

I have talked to my tech guy and tomorrow will be sent for cleaning, repairs (if needed) and voltage change.

Not sure about all the features as I was not able to power it. It does have a back light on those displays, a nice blue one. The 909 was top of his series I think.

I also have the remote but it was purchased and shipped separately, combined with a RX DT 75 that I am still waiting for.  I am also waiting for some other stuff to arrive (may take months), a second Panasonic RX A2, a Clarion XC 5500 Excite, a Victor equalizer and a Denon 790 turntable. The price for the transport is definitely worth the wait.

boomboxtaff - 2015-07-22 17:41

No need to change voltage, just get a step up plug converter. Got one for my onkyo HIMD player. 

boomboxtaff - 2015-07-22 17:47



This will do the job above, I bought one to run my Onkyo HI MD unit which is japanese import. They were only made for Japan the unit I have. 


I also have one for an american voltage to UK boombox below.



deech - 2015-07-23 04:15

Top of the line Model .

Great to finally have one Nev

Been searching for the 220v model of it.

litfan - 2015-07-23 04:36

There isn't one.100v only.

nickfish - 2015-07-23 04:46

I would have thought it would be easy to find a beat up 240V DT707 and swap the transformer out of that? Chassis looks the same so should fit the same?

deech - 2015-07-23 04:47

This is Japan only Litfan? 

Cobra tops in general what i ve meant.

Particularly for an RX ED90 the one with

the Knight Rider lights

litfan - 2015-07-23 11:06

Sorry, yeah. The 909,is, Japanese only. I'm also guessing, it  shares a transformer with other models?

mystic.traveller - 2015-07-23 12:33

Originally Posted by NevOne:

I finally picked up a Japanese import from the Customs office. Panasonic RX DT 909 "Cobra Top". 


Great machine - congrats!


Love mine, power her via 110V step-down transformer.





boomboxtaff - 2015-07-23 12:45


Looks like new that nice one Mystic .

mystic.traveller - 2015-07-23 14:25

Originally Posted by BoomboxTaff:


Looks like new that nice one Mystic .

Not exactly, mate.

But in a quite good condition considering her age, fully functional.

909 is the top Cobra of the 2d generation, top notch machine, very sophisticated,

even has a voice synthesizer.

And what's more important to me  - no foam problems like those DT-75/95 have.



boomboxtaff - 2015-07-23 14:27

Originally Posted by Mystic Traveller:
Originally Posted by BoomboxTaff:


Looks like new that nice one Mystic .

Not exactly, mate.

But in a quite good condition considering her age, fully functional.

909 is the top Cobra of the 2d generation, top notch machine, very sophisticated,

even has a voice synthesizer.

And what's more important for me  - no foam problems like those DT-75/95 have.



Yes i bought one of the DT 75's and the speaker on the one side had rotted. I got a refund from the seller and although it sounded great, i wouldn't buy another. I know the 707 and the 909 don't suffer form these problems and would be one of the cobra's i would buy. Thanks for sharing :-)

mystic.traveller - 2015-07-23 15:36

Originally Posted by BoomboxTaff:
Yes i bought one of the DT 75's and the speaker on the one side had rotted. I got a refund from the seller and although it sounded great, i wouldn't buy another. I know the 707 and the 909 don't suffer form these problems and would be one of the cobra's i would buy. Thanks for sharing :-)

You are welcome!

I got my 909 for circa 70$ on Yahoo JP, plus all extra money (shipping, commission, etc.)

As for 75/95 - foam surrounds should be replaced and that would solve the issue.

nevone - 2015-07-23 20:26

Hmm, my post is still in moderation

I promise that I didn't say anything offensive.

MT, your 909 doesn't have the blue back light on the displays? Or that's just the light conditions?

mystic.traveller - 2015-07-24 05:06

Originally Posted by NevOne:

MT, your 909 doesn't have the blue back light on the displays? Or that's just the light conditions?

Nev, sure she does.. That's just daylight, right.

And I do like that soft turquoise blue colour of the back light.


That's how Panny looked back in Japan.




nevone - 2015-07-24 12:26

I wasn't aware of the 909 being a japan only model, better for me then

I do not want to use external plug converters, I like to have less parts to carry around. Plus the transformer is generally cheaper.
You could source one from a 707 if they go cheap in your area. Here it is not the case, there is one for sale (not working status) asking an arm and a leg for it. Not going to have that. My tech guy also knows what he-s doing, his main business is to build lamp amplifiers and repair guitar amps. I left it today with him, probably will have it back in 2-3 weeks or so

mystic.traveller - 2015-07-25 13:48

Originally Posted by NevOne:

I wasn't aware of the 909 being a japan only model, better for me then


Yep, like DT-95, they somehow didn't share some top stuff with ROW.

nevone - 2015-08-14 11:21

At the time I bought the 909, I actually was not quite sure what to choose between the 909 and the RX DT 75(or 95)...so I bought both.

The RX DT 75 just arrived as well...






This went to my repair guy already and I am expecting both units to be serviced soon.

tster - 2015-08-14 11:52

Yeah I'm a fan of these cobra tops and that looks great.

easthelp - 2015-08-22 15:23

Hi, guys! I know it's been over fourteen months since NevOne posted these interesting images -- and since NevOne and radio raheem posted these comments about the images of this Sony product. But maybe you can help me out.
A check a while ago today of my Outlook e-mail (formerly known as Hotmail) showed that in the first half of the year 2002, I sent an e-mail message (a fake online order, more likely ) to the company that was selling the Sony CFD-775S online (and, I guess,  in its storefront). I sent what I think is a fake online order to ask how much shipping the product to me would cost (shipped to me here in the United States and presumably shipped from elsewhere in the U.S.). I say "fake online order" because I'm not sure that the company would have answered a straightforward shipping-cost consumer question in e-mail (maybe thinking I would just go to a lower-cost competitor -- or something ).
Anyway, an attempt a while ago to find the Sony CFD-775S online via Google in part returned me this Stereo2Go posting. I see, however, that this product is the Sony CFD-775L, not the Sony CFD-775S that I inquired about over thirteen years ago. Let me ask you guys three questions:
Does this Sony CFD-775L tune shortwave in two bands instead of in one band? (I suspect that this L version of the CFD-775 has one shortwave band and one longwave band.)
Does any version of the Sony CFD-775 come with a tape counter? Sorry, but I don't see any in these photos . (Uhh ... maybe digital tape counters?)
What's the power consumption of these CFD-775 units? 20 watts? 22 watts? (Must be a good bit more than my Sanyo M-1770K or even my Helix HX-4633N )
Have a good day!
Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by NevOne:

New entries in my collection.


First there would be an AKAI AJ 490FS

Surprising everything is working down to the last feature. Very nice sound. I would compare the sound with that from a GF 9696, same warmth and texture, maybe a little less volume.





Second, this is my first new in box unit.

This is a Sony CFD 775L which was the top of the range of his time.

As 90s boxes go, this was a very large box.

The thing about her is not the size however, it is the fact that is new after 24 years and the sound which i would describe as being from the hifi category. It is better than absolutely everything I own, and if you were to scroll up I own quite a few. The only downside is that the tape belts did not make it, not being moved all this time.

That being said, here are some pictures.





I agree these are FANTASTIC...i have 2 of them.....


little story....i dug out this sony the other day and had a quick listen But i wasn't that impressed....so i then decided to dig out the m90 and started using the m90 thinking it would blow away this sony....and for some reason i was less impressed with the m90...went back to the sony and was then blown away....it actually sounded better than the m90 haha....so my advice to you is to get her fixed and keep ahold of her.....FSNTASTIC score


Ohh and the sony was made in 1991 if memory serves me correct Nev


boomboxtaff - 2015-08-22 15:45

You have some great stuff. As you know I like the 90's boomers and so good to have the Sony in the box. Superb

easthelp - 2015-08-22 15:57

Hi, NevOne! That's a fine-looking unit that you found there: the JVC PC-X1000! An amazing-looking, dual-cassette-deck, six-CD-changer machine (though not quite modest enough in size and features to meet most people's "classic" idea of a boombox! ). I see that it has a digital tuner (quite handy for cutting back on the guesswork in tuning, say, 90.9 and not 91.3 on the FM dial! ). I suppose it also has digital tape counters. Tell me: does it tune shortwave? (Say yes! ) You have a good day.
Originally Posted by NevOne:

A new addition to my collection:

A near mint all working JVC PC-X1000. 6CD Changer.

Sticker still present.

Nearly gave me a hernia.

Very happy about this find.


I thought the unit was much smaller than it actually is, as the usual photos that you find on the webs are from the front, not showing the depth of it. Also, in order to figure out how big a unit is I use the tape door for reference, but here they were somehow partially "hidden" by the face plate design...


Here are some pics that do not do the unit justice (made with my phone)...













nevone - 2015-08-26 12:13

Hello EastHelp and thank you for appreciating it as well.

For the Sony Question: the last number is geographic area specific - voltage and FM. Mine is an European model with 220V. Not sure about that S, could be Americas, with 110V?

For the JVC SW band question...sorry I cannot answer, as I mentioned before I am in the process of building a home and all my stuff is in storage, and I have limited access to it. I did not even check when I got it as I do not listen to radio...Will perhaps update this thread at a certain time regarding this, however I am not sure when.

Basically when I get new boxes, I play around with them for a couple of days, send them to the repair man if necessary, then they go directly to storage. Hopefully by end year or beginning next year I will be all settled with a big boom room as well