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NevOne collection - pictures updated periodically

easthelp - 2015-08-27 10:25

Thanks for your reply, NevOne. My records tell me now that the Sony you refer to is the CFD-775S, the first of three stereo units that I posted questions and/or comments about on the 22nd of this month. I kind of think that the "S" at the end of the model number indicates that the boombox in question is indeed a shortwave-tuner (chances of being wrong ...?). As for that fine-looking hulk of a JVC PC-X1000 -- well, I guess a check on its world-band status will have to wait a while until you're nicely settled in your home that you're currently sending (somewhat) skyward. (Or until some other S2G fella accomplishes a "Mission: Maybe Impossible" and scores their own PC-X1000 that they can fiddle with pretty soon. ) And I like that phrase that you used, NevOne: "boom room." Is that a louder, floor-shakin', thumpin'-speakers version of a "man cave"?  You have a good day.
Originally Posted by NevOne:

Hello EastHelp and thank you for appreciating it as well.

For the Sony Question: the last number is geographic area specific - voltage and FM. Mine is an European model with 220V. Not sure about that S, could be Americas, with 110V?

For the JVC SW band question...sorry I cannot answer, as I mentioned before I am in the process of building a home and all my stuff is in storage, and I have limited access to it. I did not even check when I got it as I do not listen to radio...Will perhaps update this thread at a certain time regarding this, however I am not sure when.

Basically when I get new boxes, I play around with them for a couple of days, send them to the repair man if necessary, then they go directly to storage. Hopefully by end year or beginning next year I will be all settled with a big boom room as well


nevone - 2015-10-15 09:06

As a quick update...another Japanese import. Clarion Excite XC-5500

Heavier than a RX A2, but I think the build quality is better on the Panny.

Nevertheless, a impressive box...








samovar - 2015-10-15 11:54

Impressive and unusual! Is it also a guitar amplifier like the Panny?

autoreverser - 2015-10-15 11:59

nice unit - reminds me on a sony cfd-whatever i own - foldable speaker and all - folded up it looks like mom's sewing-machine

nevone - 2015-10-15 12:58

Yes, it is also a guitar amplifier and mixer....

Autoreverser, you are thinking about the CFS 77L, I own one as well...rest assured that there is no comparison...this is what the CFS 77 wanted to be when he grew up

mystic.traveller - 2015-10-16 06:20

Originally Posted by NevOne:

Yes, it is also a guitar amplifier and mixer....

Autoreverser, you are thinking about the CFS 77L, 

Rather Sony CFS-88.

Sony CFS-88L

mystic.traveller - 2015-10-16 06:23

Originally Posted by NevOne:

As a quick update...another Japanese import. Clarion Excite XC-5500


Solid domestic Japanese machine - congrats!

I once was looking at that Clarion considering grabbing it but had some second thoughts - lack of space, etc..

nevone - 2015-10-16 10:54

You are right Mistic Traveller, the 88. Nice unit, good sound, no bass, super build quality, Honest mistake . Haven't listened to mine in ages...

boodokhan - 2015-10-16 11:48

I would love to have On of those Sony CFS-88L

Looks beautiful

You got any of them for sale?

mystic.traveller - 2015-10-16 12:42

Originally Posted by NevOne:

Nice unit, good sound, no bass, super build quality, Haven't listened to mine in ages...

Yep, do like her too..

Solidly and quality built, unusual architecture, sooo wide when unfolded - gives

nice stereo base.

Though not a lot of bass but I like how it sounds.

But haven't listened to my domestic Japanese one for a long time either. 

mystic.traveller - 2015-10-16 12:48

Originally Posted by WM-W800:

I would love to have On of those Sony CFS-88L


Sorry for off topic: It's worth even a short-term "date" given you won't fall in love with 88 - very interesting machine.



Sony CFS-88S TranSound for the US market;

CFS-88L in Europe

and simply CFS-88 in Japan.





jamesrc550 - 2015-10-16 13:04

Compare IMG_2575 Sony CFS-66 CFS-88 CFS-99

mystic.traveller - 2015-10-16 13:29

Originally Posted by JamesRC550:

Compare IMG_2575 Sony CFS-66 CFS-88 CFS-99

Wowzers! Always love pics with several boxes, for comparison..

boodokhan - 2015-10-16 13:39

Originally Posted by JamesRC550:

Compare IMG_2575 Sony CFS-66 CFS-88 CFS-99

Thanks for the picture. Still i like the middle one (CFS-88) more than other 2


boodokhan - 2015-10-16 13:40

Originally Posted by WM-W800:
Originally Posted by JamesRC550:

Compare IMG_2575 Sony CFS-66 CFS-88 CFS-99

Thanks for the picture. Still i like the middle one (CFS-88) more than other 2. I will be searching Ebay for one in a nice condition



jamesrc550 - 2015-10-16 13:46

Originally Posted by Mystic Traveller:
Originally Posted by JamesRC550:

Compare IMG_2575 Sony CFS-66 CFS-88 CFS-99

Wowzers! Always love pics with several boxes, for comparison..

You can Start a New thread and ask me to post whatever compare's of box's you need to see while I still have this mountain of box's and or to see the old pictures I have already taken.

I could add more but I don't wish to be   ... away from this thread here

mystic.traveller - 2015-10-18 07:50

Originally Posted by JamesRC550:
... away from this thread here

Do agree! Let's not overexercise kind patience of the TC..

nevone - 2015-12-11 05:19

Fresh out of the Customs office - My gray Sony ZX3 (I could have sworn I have bid for a white one- turns out it was gray after all). Needs cleaning


nevone - 2016-02-11 08:00

Some new updates, a JVC PC5 (JDM equivalent of DC7 if my understanding is correct) and a LO-D M1 Mk2. These are not my only purchases since my last post but I didn't bother taking any pictures of the other boxes as they need some work.


deech - 2016-02-12 07:38

First time i ve seen the LO-D M1 Mk2 , its a piece of art  Inside the flightcase it looks even prettier.

bredgeo - 2016-02-12 08:32

deech posted:

First time i ve seen the LO-D M1 Mk2 , its a piece of art  Inside the flightcase it looks even prettier.

Yeah, it is a nice unit... got the Hitachi version... BUT, the tape deck was dead, so my bro ditched the tape deck...

boodokhan - 2016-02-12 11:37

LO-D M1 Mk2 looks mint and very unique

nevone - 2016-02-13 01:24

Thank you guys! The Lo-D looks fine, it should clean up very nice (looks better in the pictures than in reality) and reeks of bad capacitors. I am confident that after a restoration it will shine both technically and visually

nevone - 2016-02-18 07:42

And some more stuff showed up today...

A Panasonic RX A15 and one of my personal grails, a Sharp QT-83CD - I was looking a long time for this one, ever since I first saw a picture of it I knew I got to have one. Double Cassette, Double CD


nevone - 2016-03-04 02:28

And I know, not everyone's cup of tea but a top of the line Aiwa Strasser CSD-XR90. This is full of everything (and a little bit of dirt that I will solve later): 3D, BBE, Subwoofer, auto reverse on both decks, 3 displays, the works. I like the two handles setup as well, and it is bigger than it looks.


autoreverser - 2016-03-04 02:55

NevOne posted:

And some more stuff showed up today...

A Panasonic RX A15 and one of my personal grails, a Sharp QT-83CD - I was looking a long time for this one, ever since I first saw a picture of it I knew I got to have one. Double Cassette, Double CD


who the f**** needs a double-cd ??? what a great design, great score !!!

nevone - 2016-03-04 03:13

Well, you don't but it is a cool feature nevertheless. Actually, it is even more cool as it does not actually have 2 Lasers, it has one laser that travels between the two "cd decks"

autoreverser - 2016-03-04 06:38

NevOne posted:

Well, you don't but it is a cool feature nevertheless. Actually, it is even more cool as it does not actually have 2 Lasers, it has one laser that travels between the two "cd decks"

WOW ! didn't notice that before - what a great gimmick !

boodokhan - 2016-03-04 09:33

NevOne posted:

Well, you don't but it is a cool feature nevertheless. Actually, it is even more cool as it does not actually have 2 Lasers, it has one laser that travels between the two "cd decks"

This is the first time i see a double CD drive in a boom box. is it possible to use it for DJ?

nevone - 2016-03-04 23:45

I don't think that is the wanted use, as you cannot load a cd while the other one is playing ( same door for both cd's) and probably it won't fade from one to another (same laser lens). However you can play 2 cds back to back. 2 cassettes as well.

ao - 2016-03-05 13:09

Now, I love that Aiwa

nevone - 2016-03-06 03:57

Thank you AO, thought no one noticed the Aiwa...shame as it is the top of its class

deech - 2016-03-09 11:27

Seen this Aiwa Strasser and remembered it from some older comparison that walkmanarchive did some time ago . It sure didnt go unnoticed because he was highly praising this particular model . He did put it above all other boomboxes ever made and his opinion matters for me it surely is from one that is trusted !!

Here is his essay !!



Congrats on owning one Nev 

nevone - 2016-03-18 11:16

@Deech...I was aware of the review on Walkman Archive, however this is a SR9 and WalkmanArchive features a SR8. Not sure what the differences are besides the cosmetic ones, the SR9 however does not have dolby C

A new unit has arrived, medium to good build quality, and somehow nice lego looking mini boomer, the Panasonic RX TS10, boasts a dbb button and works with 4 AA batteries. Bought this on an impulse and not regretting it


boodokhan - 2016-03-18 12:24

I like this Panasonic RX TS10. It look like the stuff i collect (mini boomboxes).

does it work?

nevone - 2016-03-19 05:59

Sure it does. Just needs a good cleaning. There are tons of these units out there, I was just looking for one with funky colors, most of them are plain gray.

deech - 2016-03-19 07:07

NevOne posted:

@Deech...I was aware of the review on Walkman Archive, however this is a SR9 and WalkmanArchive features a SR8. Not sure what the differences are besides the cosmetic ones, the SR9 however does not have dolby C

I havent seen or hear an AIWA Strasser SR8 or SR9  in person but it seems to me with all this specs and praise it gets is worth looking for one although i think it must be a very rare Hi-FI portable ! If i ever come across one it will surely not be missed. As for the Panasonic RX AS10 its the first time i see one and i must admit that its cassete door compartment surprised me in a good way ofcourse ! It looks like a ''chameleon'' well hidden and match with the close by environment, i mean the speakers ! It kind of reminds me of  big tall buildings in a way ! That being said i would buy one without hesitation if it would come my way !  So congrats on owning one .

image013 [1)

nevone - 2016-05-22 21:19

New units: Panasonic RX ED 90 - came smashed at one side, Sharp GF 503 (9292) project box


nevone - 2016-06-17 20:38

Some new additions to the gang....

The kind of rare and surprisingly heavy for its looks Sony CFS F40 and this Marantz....Also scored a sony FH110W but I know you guys are not fans so no pics


samovar - 2016-06-17 23:44

That wonderful & definitely uncommon distant relative of the Panasonic RX-F32 which I have been hunting for ages --the Sony CFS 40   Now that's a great score! Congratulations also on the other findings. Both the Sony and the Marantz are spectacularly good sounding beasts (especially the Sony) 

nevone - 2016-06-18 07:38

Thank you Samovar! I also have the RX-F32 but there is no comparison between them. The F40 is extremely heavy, you would say the filled it with lead. In fact, the package weighted 13.7 kilos (while the Marantz package weighted 15.8 kilos). It is also much bigger than he looks, I guess it-s the way they designed the shape. This is why I got two of them, but one is still on the way. I am still looking for the elusive F70, but I am confident I will have it as well one fine day.

As the work on my house is progressing well, I am confident that until the end of year I will have my boombox room on which I will display all of those little beasts. I will probably do a side by side comparison between the FX32 and the F40 then.

samovar - 2016-06-18 11:50

NevOne posted:

I also have the RX-F32 but there is no comparison between them. The F40 is extremely heavy [...] It is also much bigger than he looks, I guess it-s the way they designed the shape. This is why I got two of them, but one is still on the way.

Given the above information, I think the Sony CFS 40 would have qualified for my "Little Bros" thread -- if only it were an RFX Panasonic!  Good to know that you got yourself two, should you ever consider trading one... you know who's looking for a trade!  

boeingman777 - 2016-06-18 12:57

Very nice additions, indeed.  QUALITY additions at that.   I'm sure you'll spend many hours enjoying them.

driptip - 2016-06-19 21:03

NevOne posted:

Some new additions to the gang....

The kind of rare and surprisingly heavy for its looks Sony CFS F40 and this Marantz....Also scored a sony FH110W but I know you guys are not fans so no pics


The sony f40 , is it loud? I heard is super heavy. 

nevone - 2016-06-20 03:40

Should be. Never tried it. For the moment i-m stashing everything in the storage, I am building my house and have no more room where I am staying...until the end of year I will have my own boombox room.

radio.raheem - 2016-06-20 13:00

love my f40 and being Litfans old box i wouldn't trade it for a dozen m90's, and you have two you jammy sod...just lost two m90's and i wasn't that bothered and tonight my f40 started playing up...instant tears...i can't lose this box it's all i have to remember Litfan by...but think it's fixed now touch wood...if something happens to this one im looking for a rope lol

nevone - 2016-07-09 03:57

Well, I would probably trade one for a m90 - but that is because I have 2 F40s.

Still looking for the elusive F70. In fact there are just 3 Sony's that I would definitely like to have in my collection (and I do not already have them), the F70, the FH909 and the CFS99. I am not worried about the 99 as it is just a matter of time, the other two will need some serious digging.