new to the family
geoffhartwell - 2008-08-26 10:51
r.o.y.a.l - 2008-08-26 11:27
itzmillertyme - 2008-08-26 11:28
geoffhartwell - 2008-08-26 11:49
quote:Originally posted by r o y a l ®:
that looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ! ! !
how do you rate the sound ?
picpic - 2008-08-26 12:54
928gts - 2008-08-26 14:09
skippy1969 - 2008-08-26 14:32
oldskool69 - 2008-08-26 17:49
jt - 2008-08-26 22:25
daiwa - 2008-08-27 07:19
geoffhartwell - 2008-08-27 08:08
quote:Originally posted by JT:
Very nice! Do you have any other GF-s? I'm really curious how the 9797 sounds vs. some of the other 9x9x models.
I have a 9191 now and a 9696 on the way... I do like the Sharps with digital tuners!
Enjoy your new toy!
retro.addict - 2008-08-27 08:35
geoffhartwell - 2008-08-27 08:41
quote:Originally posted by Retro Addict:
Nice box, Geoff!
I like these GF-8989 variants. I see yours has the same '3 strip' mic grilles as the GF-777!