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Just got round to openeing it

chancenellie - 2009-01-08 09:34

Hi guys,i bought this little Panasonic RX-C60l months ago,but with all the work going on at my house it kinda got stored away.While decorating this week i "found" it and decided to use it.I have to say i am really surprised by how good this little fella sounds,its fab ! As long as you keep the volume below half the bass is stunning,above that its very weak.The detail of the sound is great,i heard stuff on one tape i played i'd never heard before.The little 2 way speakers sound awsome.The quality of this box is above average,very heavy.Although the sliders are not as "quality" as the rest of the unit its now one of my favourite boxes.Took a couple of pics to share,havent had chance to clean it,sorry.

2steppa - 2009-01-08 09:50

Despite its size it looks like it means business and has that quality RX look about it.
Decent number of features too by the looks of things.
Nice one!

71spud - 2009-01-08 10:00

Is that a Michael Bolton tape in there? Leaving

chancenellie - 2009-01-08 10:20

Spud,wash your mouth out with soap young man No No Its micheal Jackson (which is only just a little less tacky than bolton) Its my wifes tape ,honest

71spud - 2009-01-08 10:32

I could read "Michael"... and I thought the worst... sorry about that.

However, I hope that Michael Jackson tape is either Thriller or earlier... otherwise blaming your wife will not be enough to get you out of trouble here... Tap Toes

fatdog - 2009-01-08 11:13

It appears to be the Dangerous album. I'm just grateful it wasn't Michael Damien or Michael Sembello.

buzz70 - 2009-01-08 11:47

I have this same box. I agree, it's a real treat. It has separate bass and treble, *and* a loudness button. Plus, it has a switch for automatic record level control, or manual. Not many have that.

It's actually very heavy for it's size, compared to other Panasonic RX-C's of this size.

If you like that one, try the RX-C50. A smaller boombox that rocks as well.

redbenjoe - 2009-01-08 14:33

I Agree
--i have a C50 that i bought from buzz --
its got shocking clean power.

fatdog - 2009-01-08 16:01

I just remembered that I have two RX-C45 project boxes. I really need to get at least one of 'em working.

oldskool69 - 2009-01-08 17:57

I have the RX-C50 and 60 and am very happy with both. Nod Yes