my collection
stereo.mad - 2011-12-21 14:32
thought i would post some pics of some of my boxes as i always enjoy looking at other peoples
jmez - 2011-12-21 17:35
Very nice display shelves, alot of good boxes! I also see a few old stereo receivers, those old silver units put out so much power..
In Picture '006'
did you modify your Sharp GF-9000 with different woofer's?
Did this Change the sound any?
ghettoman - 2011-12-21 18:09
hey man,Koooool collection,so it was you that bought that GF9000 off does it sound with those new bass ? i messaged the seller and asked him what make they were and how many ohms,but he never replied,the ohms on most sharp bass are 3.2 ohm,but most replacements are 4ohm,if you use anymore than that e.g 8ohm,the amp will sound
dull,and it will overload the Sound I.C and it will overheat and blow the amp chip..
out of all your boxes,this is going to surprise you,but my fave is the goodmans power master,my mate had one in the late 80s and i always liked them,they dont sound that fantastic but i just have a soft spot
redbenjoe - 2011-12-21 19:28
very beautiful and high quality collection
deliverance - 2011-12-22 05:40
very nice collection mate some quality there credit to you
isolator42 - 2011-12-22 06:29
Good to see a couple of 3Ds in there.
See how they're a necessary part of every decent boomer collection, people?
driptip - 2011-12-22 06:32
yeah i agree, you got most of the quality ones, and the 9000 with the new speakers cought my eye, like james says, how does it sound? i am not a big fan of mod's.
claret.badger - 2011-12-22 07:45
Hot balls that looks good
geoffhartwell - 2011-12-22 08:18
great collection and display, some realy good ones in there
bison - 2011-12-22 09:02
top stuff mate some quality on parade there,cant wait to get mine set up in my own little space keep the wife off my back.
kennedy - 2011-12-22 09:23
How did you come by so many amazing boxes dude, in the UK? . . .
Great collection, you have some all time greats in there.
Cool mk1 escorts you got goin on too, you got any real ones?! - I'm a big fan of all things rear wheel drive and ford from that era, had a nice mk11 escort once but prices on them have gone crazy so it don't look like I'll be behind the wheel of another one anytime soon . . .
Back on topic . . Friggin awesome boxes dude!
stereo.mad - 2011-12-22 12:33
In Picture '006'
did you modify your Sharp GF-9000 with different woofer's?
Did this Change the sound any?
yes its got different drivers and sounds much better than my standard one
stereo.mad - 2011-12-22 12:40
hey man,Koooool collection,so it was you that bought that GF9000 off does it sound with those new bass ? i messaged the seller and asked him what make they were and how many ohms,but he never replied,the ohms on most sharp bass are 3.2 ohm,but most replacements are 4ohm,if you use anymore than that e.g 8ohm,the amp will sound
dull,and it will overload the Sound I.C and it will overheat and blow the amp chip..
out of all your boxes,this is going to surprise you,but my fave is the goodmans power master,my mate had one in the late 80s and i always liked them,they dont sound that fantastic but i just have a soft spot
yer much better with those other drivers,iv contacted the seller as iv just bought another one and wanted to put the same drivers in it and he said he bought them on line a long time ago!
i agree about the power master,i used to play around with it in dixons back in the day lol
bison - 2011-12-22 12:41
is that a gf 525 with the front grill removed sm?
stereo.mad - 2011-12-22 12:44
How did you come by so many amazing boxes dude, in the UK? . . .
Great collection, you have some all time greats in there.
Cool mk1 escorts you got goin on too, you got any real ones?! - I'm a big fan of all things rear wheel drive and ford from that era, had a nice mk11 escort once but prices on them have gone crazy so it don't look like I'll be behind the wheel of another one anytime soon . . .
Back on topic . . Friggin awesome boxes dude!
thanks mate, yes i do have a real mk1 they have always been in my blood!
stereo.mad - 2011-12-22 12:48
is that a gf 525 with the front grill removed sm?
yer the grill was tatty and i have another 525 in good nik so i thought sod it ill rip it off!
it looks kind of cool me thinks
bison - 2011-12-22 12:56
it looks top mate,nice idea bit of a transformation,i have one too.
always puzzled me why the speakers arent central to them chrome bits inside the grills.
claret.badger - 2011-12-22 13:00
Sharp half arse behaviour
I do like mine though
just wished it pounded
stereo.mad - 2011-12-22 13:19
it looks top mate,nice idea bit of a transformation,i have one too.
always puzzled me why the speakers arent central to them chrome bits inside the grills.
yer i know it looks really odd with the speakers offset to the chrome, dumb ass idea!!
stereo.mad - 2011-12-22 13:20
Sharp half arse behaviour
I do like mine though
just wished it pounded
yer not a very good sounding box mate
scottym - 2011-12-22 15:16
hey man,Koooool collection,so it was you that bought that GF9000 off does it sound with those new bass ? i messaged the seller and asked him what make they were and how many ohms,but he never replied,the ohms on most sharp bass are 3.2 ohm,but most replacements are 4ohm,if you use anymore than that e.g 8ohm,the amp will sound
dull,and it will overload the Sound I.C and it will overheat and blow the amp chip..
out of all your boxes,this is going to surprise you,but my fave is the goodmans power master,my mate had one in the late 80s and i always liked them,they dont sound that fantastic but i just have a soft spot
Are you talking about this one?;item=200667080373
I asked this guy and he replied with
"They were from a pair of Studio Power Hi-Fi speakers. long gone bust. 8 ohms but still efficent enough for great volume. Sounded much better than the stock ones."
8 ohms? uh oh
ghettoman - 2011-12-22 18:37
ahh right,i remember studio power,they were nice speakers,the speakers in them were aluminium bass,not standard card speakers,shame they'r not 4ohm..
hmm 8ohm,could be a problem,but he might be lucky,but only time will tell,i think if it does pop,i think the sound i.c is a HA1392..
best person to ask to make sure,is someone like norm,he might know more..
retro - 2011-12-22 18:44
Very nice collection you have there, and I love the way they are displayed, it reminds me of the way they were displayed for sale back in the 80's.
stereo.mad - 2011-12-23 08:43
it was either the look i was trying to create or just my ocd kicking in! lol
mitchelljames - 2011-12-24 08:38
Great collection and great set up also.
cholo1 - 2011-12-27 08:26
Nice collection...SHARP is in da house!
baby.boomer - 2011-12-27 16:10
No junk there. All high-end stuff. Very classy!
retrodos - 2011-12-27 16:17
Now that a great collection.