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Postman`s been.

radio.raheem - 2012-10-25 14:42

Ahh....didn't see the photos rich.....if it was ok then chances are it was done in the post lad

litfan - 2012-10-25 14:47

We need poirot on this one lad. I got all the packaging back together, like it came, there`s not a mark on it. Looked where the damage is, boxes look perfect .

litfan - 2012-10-25 14:50

Anyway. What did you have in the shed lad? I`m guessing, you kept yer mum`s vibrator?

radio.raheem - 2012-10-25 14:55

Not sure what's left in the shed lad....some tosser has broken into it....so im gunna leave the door open...they can steal the lot, saves me dumping it....the vibrator is strapped to my shlong lad where it belongs

metad - 2012-10-25 15:07

Originally Posted by Litfan:

there is someting big moving around inside. It`s odd, as, there are no marks on the packing at all. If the plastic, was broken outward, i would understand it, but inwards? 


It's close to the AC-socket, most likely transformer damaged it's own screw posts and then smashed the cabinet.

Even the outer packing box is bullet proof, and looks undamaged - it could happen, due to the weak screwposts, and careless post employees.

litfan - 2012-10-25 15:11

I think you`ve cracked it metad (erm). The ac socket, is no longer in place. It look`s to be about 3/4mm, into the casing. I`m not plugging it in anymore, till it`s been checked.

radio.raheem - 2012-10-25 15:13

I think metad is probably spot on here

litfan - 2012-10-25 15:20

Yep, and, here he is, in person.



metad - 2012-10-25 15:29

Ha ha


I prefer Peter Ustinov's Poirot 



litfan - 2012-10-29 07:52

Managed to have a look at the sx1000, at the weekend. Damage, is worse than i thought. Transformer, has ripped all the screws out. I screwed it back in place, with some wider ones. Transformer, must have been rattling around inside, and, it`s cracked the volume, equaliser board. That`s why volume is high all the time. One clasp on the side was broken off. Managed to glue this on, but, with my hands trembling so much, it`s run on top of the radio. I`m so mad with this thing, i have put it back in the box, and, shoved it in the shed.

deliverance - 2012-10-29 07:56

thats a bummer rich

litfan - 2012-10-29 07:59

Yeah, too right chris. I`m not gonna have it, just to look at it. These things are mean` to be used.

blaster - 2012-10-29 08:02

Sorry to hear that Lit, i know the feeling happened to me to once...there's always hope...still a nice unit

deliverance - 2012-10-29 08:04

to right mate i am doing battle with cs-880 record switch dry joint on it a real pain to get access but getting there now.

litfan - 2012-10-29 08:06

I`ll tell you something blaster. Build quality, is nowhere near that of the wx-1. The sx1000, has that late 80`s, cheapo feel to it. A lot of plastic, in place of metal.

lav.loo - 2012-10-29 08:22

not the news we wanted to hear Rich

don't blame you sheding it for now as that's what i would do before i got tempted to jump on it.

metad - 2012-10-29 08:59

Litfan, it's possible to repair, just take your time, wait for the better days.

radio.raheem - 2012-10-29 09:09

deech - 2012-10-29 09:11

Litfan it still is a nice looking unit!

I m sure you can fix it .

How are you supposed to pack a box to avoid a damage

like this?



litfan - 2012-10-29 09:26

Cracked circuit boards, are something i have never gone into. The older boxes, had thick joins, this one, are like hairs. Only way, would be to get a replacement board. What are the chances of that? It doesn`t upset me. I just put things out of the way, where i can`t see them, ie, the shed. Ed enskanker, provided me with a replacement remote receiver board, for my rt-s931 which was cracked in half. The sx1000, has obviousy been dropped on it`s front, and the transformer, being the size it is, broke loose, pulling the casing with it.

brutus442 - 2012-10-29 12:06

Sorry to hear this Rich.



This is my personal nightmare when it comes to boombox shipping. The sender can pack these things to the hilt, but in the end all it takes is some careless idiot, 6 feet of freefall and a a denial speech from the customer service to really boil blood


please keep us up to date on this box Rich....

rickrock - 2012-11-01 20:05

sorry to hear of your loss Litfan.   I recently got a box where the transformer was knocked loose and was bouncing around inside causing massive damage.    I was fortunate because the seller had it insured so I was able to get a full refund and  keep the box for parts.

traveler - 2012-11-01 20:14

Originally Posted by rickrock:

sorry to hear of your loss Litfan.   I recently got a box where the transformer was knocked loose and was bouncing around inside causing massive damage.    I was fortunate because the seller had it insured so I was able to get a full refund and  keep the box for parts.

Never got any refund for any of the broken box's recieved in the past, didn't know that there was a way to do so back when, ah well...  Have some part's box's here now or Prop's