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tosh rt 8900 s and a couple of laughs!!

lav.loo - 2012-10-16 06:19

thought id'e share a couple of pics of the tosh 8900 i got from member stereo mad (Lee) and a couple of s**t boxes i picked up this morning for a fiver.

there's a second hand shop that's recently opened near me and the guy has loads of stereo hifi gear and elecricals in the shop.

i thought id'e take a look in as you never know, anyway sat on the shelf with a load of hifi gear was a hitachi 3d30 and a panny egg early 90s job.

i asked the guy how much for the 3d30 and he said a fiver, good job as i'm skint lol and i only had about 7 quid to my name.

he pulled it down and tested it and it was fully working so i snatched it, we got chatting and he threw me a panny egg in for free

anyway he also had a delivery near to where i live and so offered me a lift back home which was very good of him.

obviously the tosh i got from Lee is the main man here but 2 boxes both with line in and in great condition fully working for a fiver had to be a steal

the panny floors the 3d30 on sound and to be honest the 3d30 sounds s**t lol.

here's a couple of bad quality pics that i took on my nokia mob so my appologies here....

not sure why they've turned out so small, don't know how to correct this, can anyone help??

my lot 368my lot 366

deliverance - 2012-10-16 06:54

nice one mate two boxes for a fiver cant be bad !    like the look of the tosh to result

lav.loo - 2012-10-16 06:56

cheers chris, iv'e posted some bigger pics of the tosh in another thread

andyboombox - 2012-10-17 03:11

theres nothing wrong with getting two for a diver bro,even if one is a 3dand the tosh looking as bonny as ever

lav.loo - 2012-10-17 03:33

cheers mate