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Showing off my GE 3-5268A

doity - 2012-12-08 00:16

Well I decided to keep the GE 3-5268A after all.  I had an offer but the person said that they were experiencing a money crunch at the moment so that gave me the perfect out as I was becoming quite smitten with this beauty 


I knew the chances of ever finding one of these again was slim to none so I decided to keep it.  The box has a "Superadio" AM/FM tuning section and man does it pull the distant AM stations with razor sharp precision.  If it is out there this thing will find it!


The rest of the unit is surprisingly well built and with lots of great features and excellent sound.  I found it at the thrifts and I was very surprised that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it.  It operates perfectly, even the tape player.


Sorry about the so-so picture but my digital camera dates from the era of Windows 98 I think.  It is time to break down and buy a new one but I am the kind of person that says "if it ain't broke don't fix it".  With people like me Apple and Microsoft would had been out of business years ago as I am not what you call an early adopter 



lav.loo - 2012-12-08 02:22

great looking box Doity, love the needle meters on this one, glad your keeping hold

pioneer - 2012-12-08 16:40

doity.that G.E.is a keeper i have two But that model has eluded me but i keepa lookin beautiful Boomer.......  

driptip - 2012-12-08 16:48

this unit is one of the better models from GE,