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My mini grail :)

northerner - 2013-05-25 08:15

Ok so I'm not that into minis BUT there were a couple I really liked the look of. I've been after a Sanyo M7900 for a while and have finally got one! Reckon this is one of the nicest minis out there and the one I really wanted.

When I got it it was filthy, dead deck, and only one channel. Been stripped, serviced, belts changed, and scrubbed to within an inch of its life! Now gleaming and fully working, it's not mint as it has a scuff here or there but it's got original aerials and the front is pretty minty.

Anyway, it can join the only other mini I really hankered after my 7780...that'll do, I'll stick with these two beauties

stereo.mad - 2013-05-25 08:44

congrats on getting a box you really wanted si........they sound quite good for their size as well

samovar - 2013-05-25 08:54

a wonderful miniSanyo, great score!

northerner - 2013-05-25 09:08

Yeh it's no big boomer to blow your ears out but it's good for its size...it's actually smaller than I thought it would be...it's going to my office to be my new work radio to replace the crappy black thing I currently use. Gonna bring a bit of class and style to the workplace

johnedward - 2013-05-25 09:21

Great looking mini.  Looks like it has all the bells and whistles.  Great you have found and rescued it to working clean condition.  Will be a great conversation and usable piece at work.  I love the mini's as some of the best actually have decent bass and excellent mids and highs as long as your not trying to crank it up loud.   Some of the 6 speaker ones with loudness and bass/treble are best IMO.   Enjoy great find.  Its definitely a looker.

deliverance - 2013-05-25 09:39

a great looking box love the size , good things come in small packages   

lav.loo - 2013-05-25 12:14

nicest looking mini ever imo, great score Si

nak.d - 2013-05-25 12:21

Originally Posted by deliverance:

a great looking box love the size , good things come in small packages   

I agree! Great proportions on that Sanyo, looks nicely made also.

driptip - 2013-05-25 12:54

once I saw one at a local flea market for like 45 dollars I thought it was too much money for the condition that was in so I left it there.


it does remind me of a 920 in a small package

deech - 2013-05-26 07:26

Nice score Northerner !

Can you show a pic compared with another box?

I m so curious for the size of it.

elektroneko - 2013-05-26 09:04

That's a very cute little mini boombox. X3


Love it!

northerner - 2013-05-26 13:41

Thanks for the nice comments folks

radio.raheem - 2013-05-29 18:42

Always fancied one of these si....couldn't have gone to a better bloke...congrats lad....btw what was up with the defunkt channel ehh...

northerner - 2013-05-30 00:31

Cheers mate

Dodgy channel was sorted with a few gallons of switch cleaner...went from no sound to full sound...I like piss easy repairs like that lol!

radio.raheem - 2013-05-30 00:46

sweet.....piss easy repairs that's all i can do lol need to find a service manual for my fd80..as the belts are knackered  ....and it looks like more than one.....so that's me up the creak again lol

ao - 2013-05-30 01:56

The reason this one works is because it's a small box with big box looks, it's not a mini trying to look like the other minis but it's got delusions of size and has chrome, lots of buttons and lights, there's nothing like it.  Sadly though it's sound is very mini, shame.

northerner - 2013-05-30 05:05

I agree AO that its definitely got a big box look to it so it really stands out amongst the normally styled minis...I think that's probably why I wanted one so much. Don't agree with the 'very mini sound' tho...it stands head and shoulders above any other mini I've heard. It's never going to match a big box as its got tiny woofers but it has a damned good go lol

deliverance - 2013-05-30 05:14

i saw one at doc"s the other week they are tiny but look the part .

brutus442 - 2013-05-30 08:07

How did you score this beauty Si? Is there a an "Indiana Jones" story behind it?


Looks great....

northerner - 2013-05-30 09:56

Oh yeh the story of how I found it is a long and tortuous affair...took my phone out my pocket, clicked BIN, and that was that lol! It was an eBay job I'm afraid but despite that it wasn't too costly...£56 shipped...more than I'd like to pay but a whole lot less than most sellers ask for this box

deech - 2013-05-30 11:44

Originally Posted by driptip:


it does remind me of a 920 in a small package


Got to agree with that .

It was my first thought when i saw the 920

northerner - 2013-05-30 12:12

If someone could send me their 920 then please just so I can compare the two