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My crisis of space! Random pics of collection

hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 11:08

Ask some people what one of the drawbacks of collecting is and they'll say the EBay prices, crappy overseas packaging, gunky cassette belts, pitted chrome, bad boombox smell, foam rot?. How about busted aerial tips? or even the dreaded Sharp capstan tire chewing tapes.

For me recently it's been the head scratching on how to store or display my collection. in the attempt to claim back some living space and I managed to persude my mum to let me store some of my boxes in her large and dry loft. Here are some random pictures of some of my collection whilst trying to sort out what goes and what stays. Anyone else suffering from a space crisis? Show us the piles! 



















boeingman777 - 2015-04-29 11:19

After viewing the series of images I spotted your problem!  That GF-9000 and the SK-900 are taking up way too much space and you should immediately send them to my residents for safe keeping.  Safely packed please as they will be making the overseas trip.  I would pay for shipping but I feel that as I'm providing storage service for you, we'll call it even.  What do you say?   I only have five boomers at the moment so no space crisis for me yet.....

cat22 - 2015-04-29 11:23


hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 11:27

Originally Posted by Cat22:


That's an efficient use of space..... Starting to pile up though eh Cat?

cat22 - 2015-04-29 11:35

Just too lazy to put up wallpapers

litfan - 2015-04-29 12:24

Whoa. That is serious box collecting. Space, is the biggest problem, trying to squeeze that box into the last bit of space.

michiel - 2015-04-29 12:27

Be glad you aren't collecting jumbos too HR  Over here it's the same mess

hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 12:30

Originally Posted by Michiel:

Be glad you aren't collecting jumbos too HR  Over here it's the same mess

Got two Jumbos...both need restoring... Nightmare! I've got boxes at my mum's, in the garage, in my small loft, at my cousins! thsee are just the shiney ones.

I'd love to see a group shot of yours and Deeches collections! 

michiel - 2015-04-29 12:44

Well I moved most of them to a storage place too, but even then you will find boxes here everywhere I'm not gonna make group shots. It's just too embarrassing  

hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 12:48

Originally Posted by Michiel:

Well I moved most of them to a storage place too, but even then you will find boxes here everywhere I'm not gonna make group shots. It's just too embarrassing  

Go on! Take a couple. Be brave! You're amongst friend here. 

michiel - 2015-04-29 12:51

Dude, I'm also dating chicks! I don't need any evidence of strange disorders on the internet, please 

deech - 2015-04-29 12:51

Deeches collection eh?

I have a pic somewhere with some of mines !

I ll search and post !


jamesrc550 - 2015-04-29 12:57

Still nowhere near the amount I have

deliverance - 2015-04-29 13:20

Originally Posted by JamesRC550:

Still nowhere near the amount I have

 You need a bigger hat James   

deech - 2015-04-29 13:26

Here it is !!

Michiel i guess its your turn now

to see some !



michiel - 2015-04-29 13:34

Well, just an innocent picture




hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 13:35

Originally Posted by JamesRC550:

Still nowhere near the amount I have

Texas is a big place. In the UK space is at premium.... Don't you fear the boxes coming to 'get' you in the middle of the night James? 

deech - 2015-04-29 13:39

ahhhh  Mike you cheater !!!

michiel - 2015-04-29 13:41

Originally Posted by deech:

ahhhh  Mike you cheater !!!

What did I cheat Deech? 

deech - 2015-04-29 13:43

HR i love your place btw.

deech - 2015-04-29 13:48

You posted a pic with not so many included !!

I like it though  i cant recognize them models.

Mine includes at least 40 if checked closely .

He/She who finds the exact number illustrated

at my pic will win one !!

dsming91 - 2015-04-29 13:51

All of these collections just pushes my addiction even more. Just a little inspiration 


Nice collection hisrudeness 

michiel - 2015-04-29 13:56


hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 13:58

Originally Posted by Michiel:


That's more like it Mike.....I know there's more..

seb968 - 2015-04-29 14:00

Bloody hell there are some big collections out there! Makes me feel quite small! Rory, Michiel, deech and cat 22 these are very impressive collections! Lots of lovely stuff there!

michiel - 2015-04-29 14:03

Now it's Deech turn again  Or someone else's  

hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 14:05

There are some veterans on here that have big collections but are camera shy. Cleanse yourselves and show the pics.  Tell yourself we're doing a good cultural thing saving these monsters!

stereo.mad - 2015-04-29 14:09

It must be very hard to be typing under that mountain of boxes in your front room! I'll get a shovel and come and dig you out!...... Or maybe I may need a jcb!!!!!

hisrudeness - 2015-04-29 14:13

Post a hoarding picture and cleanse your souls! Mike you feel better? Can I git an amen?


michiel - 2015-04-29 14:16

I will sleep like a baby now HR, thanks a lot  Hope you will solve your space problem! They all look like keepers to me! Beautiful!


Yes common guys it's good therapy to show your boxes together!

deech - 2015-04-29 14:19

One more,

No need for an emoticon too ,

its already in the pic !!!


StereoMad please check PMs




gfglen - 2015-04-29 15:07

Loving this thread! All your collections are AMAZING!!!
hisrudeness I don't see the problem in your lounge room, there is a little gap in the middle where you can spin around and take in the sheer beauty of all your boxes...
Deech I couldnt help but try to count. I got 57 but that was looking on my tiny phone screen.

gfglen - 2015-04-29 15:09

Oh and stop posting all these pictures
I'm meant to be working!!!

deech - 2015-04-30 06:50

Pics gentlemen ! this thread needs more pics . James its your turn.

Gf-Glen, DsMing , share them if you got them.

litfan - 2015-04-30 06:53

Those pic's, remind me, of my 1st collection, that I, stupidly, sold to radiohier.

deech - 2015-04-30 06:57

Litfan , Radiohier is the person who rents his collection ?

and has a pic with more than 150

in one place?

In this pic some of them were yours?

litfan - 2015-04-30 07:03

Wouldn't surprise me deech. He's a crafty character. I put the bombeat 40, to one side, but, he managed to wangle it off me.

deech - 2015-04-30 07:10

Whats the meaning of the word wangle !!??

Man i wish you build up a new collection ,

Where is he from? this guy owns a big collection

was he a member here?

litfan - 2015-04-30 07:16

You'll find him, if you type his name into the search pane. He is from Germany, and, is/was, a big friend of Jens (tpr950e).

jamesrc550 - 2015-04-30 07:24

Originally Posted by deech:

Pics gentlemen ! this thread needs more pics . James its your turn.

Gf-Glen, DsMing , share them if you got them.

ok here is a quick un-named picture of my in-progress living room shelving - I'm not bashful to show this as there are empty packing boxes underneath the shelving  IMG_2649


deech - 2015-04-30 09:33

Yes i know this pic of the radioheir , its a quite famous picture.

You old members are a lot dont know jens too but i sure enjoy the pics

of both of them, yours too Litfan .

I saw a pic of you lying down the carpet of your place

resting your arms on top of hi-end Toshibas.

litfan - 2015-04-30 09:56

Blimey. That was 8 years ago.

metad - 2015-04-30 11:40

Where is the line between hobby and obsession?

metad - 2015-04-30 11:43

Originally Posted by deech:


You old members are a lot dont know jens  

Deech, Litfan did mean another Jens.

Jens - TPR, from Bavaria, one of the moderators, he stopped to post long time ago,

before Jens- Blaster Fan, from Leipzig, registered on here.

litfan - 2015-04-30 11:47

That's right metad. Their surnames, are alike aswell, gruber & grebo.

metad - 2015-04-30 11:52

Just to clarify, people should know, they are differnt persons.

litfan - 2015-04-30 12:54

I wish jens (gruber), all the best. Hope, he's keeping well.

deech - 2015-04-30 13:33

Oh yes, i knew that Jens TPR is not the same person with

blasterfan Jens.


TPR JEns gruber is a great contributor for this forum.

He is the one with the legendary BBDB (Boombox Data Base)

and by reading older posts i can see his devotion.

My guess is that he was a great contributor prior

to 2008 when this forum somehow changed by sayings from

you older members i ve seen along the way, like from Reno

and PanasonicFan, Metad, AgentOrange , Retro and more !!

Hope he is well too Litfan and post again in the future.

jamesrc550 - 2015-04-30 13:41

Originally Posted by deech:

Oh yes, i knew that Jens TPR is not the same person with

blasterfan Jens.

 TPR JEns gruber is a great contributor for this forum.

He is the one with the legendary BBDB (Boombox Data Base)

I Knew Him well enough to Pay for One of these 

IMG_2655 BBDB Boombox Data Base DVD


IMG_2655 BBDB Boombox Data Base DVD

gfglen - 2015-04-30 15:08

Deech, my collection is nothing compared to all you guys... But if I get a chance I'll set them up and take a group shot tonight.

driptip - 2015-04-30 19:54

Wow guys, hoarding or not its all good, we can manage right,? I love this pics, thanks for sharing.