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new lasonic rap i931

baddboybill - 2008-12-09 21:02

new lasonic for sale on lasonic site Smile kinda goofy looking Laugh Out Loud http://www.lasonic.com/store/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=&idproduct=185

monolithic - 2008-12-10 01:04

That's not only wack, it's hideous!

fatdog - 2008-12-10 08:07

Here's a slightly better picture:

The "gold" chains aren't even photo-realistic; they're just yellow paint. Roll Eyes Notice the "diamonds" and all the other bling? Super MEH!

ewen - 2008-12-10 08:54

I think I'm going to puke.

Maybe I should do it on my i931 and send a picture to Lasonic for their next toad of a release.


jovie - 2008-12-10 08:56

Come on Lasonic!You have such an opportunity here with the special editions!Back in the '80s the Lasonics were considered to be boxes with "loud" graphics but were tastefully and thoughtfully done.These graphics just looks random,amateur,and trashy!It reminds me of a thriftstore box you work diligently to remove all the stickers from.

Lasonic,if your listening,make graphics packages consisting of template decals to fit the different front areas of the box.These could be themed and sold separately to owners of the standard box.This way you wouldn't have to commit yourselves to producing a number of boxes that have graphics no one happens to like.It would be a lot less costly to simply do away with a graphics package that doesn't generate any interest than to be stuck with undesirably themed boxes.

blaster - 2008-12-10 09:23

Here's another silly version from famous stars and straps....they need to stop blinging this box looks perfect stock...geesh..

fatdog - 2008-12-10 10:10

Maybe they have the "pepsi" syndrome. Laugh Out Loud

master.z - 2008-12-10 10:42

You would think that the only company still making a traditional style boombox, would at least entertain the thoughts of this forum. S2G is the absolute authority for Box's.

Instead they have their heads up their asses coming out with craptacular stuff like this.

I'm sure these limited editions will sell out. There are a bunch of dooshbags out there that like this kind of crap.

They could really come out with some good colaborations if they wanted to.

I bet money a graffiti themed version will come out. It could be really cool if they teamed up with some real graf artist, but lasonic will prolly F that up!
Laugh Out Loud

jovie - 2008-12-11 01:26

is that stars and straps version black or gray?If it's gray I'm thinking that looks really good with the chrome rims...if you could remove that busy design on the front Roll Eyes

panasonic.fan - 2008-12-12 11:13

If they really wanted to make some money, they'd re-issue the 975 exactly like it used to be.

All these variations, it's just putting lipstick on a hollow pig if you ask me.

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-12-12 12:03

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
If they really wanted to make some money, they'd re-issue the 975 exactly like it used to be.

All these variations, it's just putting lipstick on a hollow pig if you ask me.

I Agree

jovie - 2008-12-12 18:48

They would more likely do an updated version of the 975 if anything.As the performance of the i931 isn't bad,a new updated 975 might really be a true performer....if you didn't compare it to an original 975.

baddboybill - 2008-12-14 09:48

also onebay is the i931 stars and straps in gold Smile http://cgi.ebay.com/FAMOUS-STARS-AND-STRAPS-FSAS-LASONI...C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318

monolithic - 2008-12-14 12:57

It seems that the people at Lasonic are succeeding in making the i931 look cheaper than it already is. No No They should stick to 3 colors: Black, white and silver... and bring back the chrome metal handle ends. Also, they should stay away from the cheesy-ass custom graphics and come out with a "Plain Jane" version with brushed metal inserts instead of the glossy black plastic ones they use now.

jvc.floyd - 2008-12-14 13:03

i think if they wanted the box to look like old skool rap they shoulda just made the box it self look old skool but thats just my twisted logic,it would be great if somehow with fatdogs talent he could come up with some custom clings to apply over the cheesy graphic to really make the box look cool.

jvc.floyd - 2008-12-14 13:11

and another thing ,these look like they would be very easy to paint if you taped over the graphics or just left on the clings from the factory and pain the box any color that pleases the owner ,it would void the warranty tho lol.but hell i would paint one metal flake silver from house of color just to see what it would look like .as soon as i can afford one i'm gonna do the makeover on it that these things need badly lol.oh and it wont be that ugly thing with the gold chains either.i think it would also look cool in bright metal flake red with the chrome poppin it would at least get a few stares lol.amazingly i saw an i 931 when i was in florida it was in a clothing store right in the front i thought it looked decent but it wasnt that one with the gold chains .

blaster - 2008-12-14 14:24

another addition that they could of or should of done to the "I" is a place to store the remote like right at the bottom where it has the right space for it!!!...now that would of been cool...then again its lasonics first shot comeback at a one of kind old school box...hey you never know maybe in the future they'll come out with another model with more features... Smile Cool

monolithic - 2008-12-14 15:10

I Agree That was one of the first things I thought of when I saw the "slot" under the iPod dock. They could turn that area into a pop-out tray that holds the remote. Nod Yes

baddboybill - 2008-12-14 21:30

I Agree

stbnyc - 2008-12-22 10:31

im not buying that ghetto fab BBX.

we already know its a ghetto blaster. no need to symbolize it with thick jewlery bling stickers and diamonds and stuff

isolator42 - 2009-01-06 07:58

Originally posted by baddbill:
new lasonic for sale on lasonic site Smile ...

Thanks, but no... Smile

thafuzz - 2009-01-06 09:51

I agree that they need to ditch that chessy handle and go back to the chrome ended style like the original. I emailed LASONIC when they were still in trial phases with it and gave them the S2G site info and the 411 on what we're about for pointers. Apparently they didn't research what's desireable by the true afficianados and collectors here (where it really counts.

beatbox - 2009-01-15 10:43

What does 'RAP-UP' even mean!?!?!

billpc55 - 2009-01-15 22:26

Originally posted by beatbox:
What does 'RAP-UP' even mean!?!?!

it means youve been ripped off in lasonic speak

success - 2009-01-16 17:08

It's likely I'm going to have nigthmares after seeing that photos. I'll put a Panasonic in my bedside table to aboid them .. even an egg would work fine.

skippy1969 - 2009-01-18 18:58

I think I puked a little.... Roll Eyes Frown

transamguy1977 - 2009-01-19 17:54

Cheap and Hideous??? wow I need to get one of those Laugh Out Loud No No

jt - 2009-01-19 23:21

geez. Roll Eyes They actually put graphics of gold chains on the i931 to bling it up! Are you kidding me???

Well, at least they got the color of CHEEZE right!!! Why does Lasonic cheeze their boxes up so much? They could have done someting cool with gold trim, you know, like the emblems on a Lexus or something and given it some style... but graphics of gold chains??? Whaddabunchofidiots!

How Ironic that they tried to *bling* that box up, but instead it ends up looking CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!

I suspect only dudes with gold caps on their front teeth will buy one of those. Nahhh, even they won't want it.

Next thing you know they'll put some plaid stickers on an i931 and call it the highlander edition. Laugh Out Loud

monolithic - 2009-01-20 03:14

Originally posted by THAFUZZ:
I agree that they need to ditch that chessy handle and go back to the chrome ended style like the original. I emailed LASONIC when they were still in trial phases with it and gave them the S2G site info and the 411 on what we're about for pointers. Apparently they didn't research what's desireable by the true afficianados and collectors here (where it really counts.

I Agree They have the wrong perception of what "cool" is. Roll Eyes There's a possibility it might appeal to 7-year olds who don't know any better and Hip-Hop posers, but true collectors won't touch that box with somebody else's 10 foot pole.

transamguy1977 - 2009-01-20 18:14

I Agree They have the wrong perception of what "cool" is. Roll Eyes There's a possibility it might appeal to 7-year olds who don't know any better and Hip-Hop posers, but true collectors won't touch that box with somebody else's 10 foot pole.[/QUOTE]

Nah My 7 year old thinks it is hideous as well.

billpc55 - 2009-01-20 20:10

its a classic example of someone being in charge of designing something that is totally out of touch with their target market.

billpc55 - 2009-01-21 11:40

also i think that the word rap is missing a c in front of it and the word up should have been out....

jovie - 2009-01-25 20:27

Well...consider the tuning scale is a decal also.Lasonic,all we want is something that's real!In fact you might have done better by providing real gold chains.Of course,that would have just ended up in another more costly version of "sticker shock" Razz !