retro.addict - 2010-01-09 09:31
I remember
this topic about old batteries, and thought about the old 'EVER READY' C-cell batteries I have, which came in one of my radios. They date from the '80s I think.
Has anyone else got old batteries they'd like to show?
Ahh good old SP and HP cells
I was trying to find a couple of old batts I had kicking around but can't locate them at the moment....
but anyway they are:
EverReady Silver Seal 9v
and I also had an EverReady 'PowerPlus' HP2, those black ones.
im.out.of.hear - 2010-01-09 16:33
not sure you will remember this or not but i posted about this a while ago..i bought a GF990,opened the battery compartment on the keyboard and these were in on them is 1982..
Wow gettoman, those are more than likely the original batteries that came with the box, as the GF-990 was made around 1982. Thanks for posting the pic!
hey guys....i got an hitachi 8080 and there were 8 of those blue ever ready`s in the back but i chucked them out
Originally posted by davebush:
hey guys....i got an hitachi 8080 and there were 8 of those blue ever ready`s in the back but i chucked them out
Most 'normal' people would!!
I've got a bunch of these very vintage Hellesens AA's
I think they came from an old cine-camera I got from flea market about an year ago. Liked that tiger so much that just couldn't throw them away!
brigadier.vytas - 2010-01-13 07:25
don't have any interesting old batteries, but i have this old little box for bunch of AA batteries. I believe, it's about 20 years old allready.
great box that, but it must be older with that artwork!!!
Nice box!
brigadier.vytas - 2010-01-14 23:46