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Times, Tolerance and One Question.

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-07-28 23:11

Times have really changed and so has the perception of how people listen to music. When I bought a Realistic SCR-8 (shown below) from Sinister about a month ago, I took it into a street front hamburger joint and people looked at me and then the radio and then me again and they all had a “Don’t even think about it” look on their faces.

Today I went to the post office and I could see there was a line from outside. The temps were near 100 and I didn’t want to leave my TRC-920 (also shown below) in the car for long, so with out thinking to much about it, I grabbed it and headed in. Again the reaction was priceless!

Everyone gave me a dirty look, one lady asked me in a harsh voice “That things not on is it?” and it brought attention to the lady behind the counter and she had to tell me straight in a stern voice, “SIR YOU CAN”T PLAY THAT IN HERE!”

Amazing! It wasn’t on, hell it didn’t have batteries in it and I told her so. The whole time while standing in line I could feel the animosity towards me from everyone in the room. Good thing I didn’t have batteries and my SLAYER Tape!

Just amazing.

So my question really is, have any of you experienced this before? If so, tell the story.

trc911 - 2009-07-28 23:42

I had my lasonic out at the basketball court Smile

People didn't want to play Frown

2steppa - 2009-07-29 00:13

That post office incident would have peed me off majorly. Frown

I think I would have had one of my red mist moments if those women had gotten all frosty with me for no good reason, to the effect of 'That things not on is it?' 'No but it'll be on your head if you dont shut the f**k up'.

Pathetic old bags, need to keep their opinions to themselves or they'd really get something to complain about...

gld - 2009-07-29 01:47

I can't believe the way you've been treated! Talk about a pre-emptive strike or what!

I think this is a bigger issue than meets the eye. We have music everywhere - car stereos; music in shops; music on helplines; ipods on trains and buses; piped music in stores. We have no choice in listening to this music when going about our daily business and we tolerate it, TOLERATE being the operative word. But someone comes into a burger joint with a boomer TURNED OFF and they not only complain, but they are rude to you.

Is there something else at play here?

ash25 - 2009-07-29 03:20

Boy the times have DEFINITELY changed. That never has happened to me YET, but I really dont turn up my boxes when I take them out, for one I am a little aware that I am not a kid anymore and back in the day we didnt care and really had no respect if someone was watching TV or didnt like OUR music. I told my son that I feel bad for his generation coz he cant do anything fun, example- He just started driving within the past year and Monday nite got pulled over and given a ticket for having an air freshener hanging from the fearview mirror. 109.00 dollar fine!!!! I will try to appeal it. But back to the main point, could yo imagine him and his buddies takig one of my boomboxes out and jamming in the parking lot where I hung out? Absolutely he could expect to get in trouble. It sucks.. Didnt mean to rant on but I am feeling you. OH, by the way, his Mom and I got him a pretty decent stereo for his at Christmas and he got a a warning for having it too loud. In his own car? I want to go back to 1984-1988. O my do I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gluecifer - 2009-07-29 04:06

Thats some harsh treatment there indeed.

I carry mine everywhere, which includes the walk to and from work every day. I always have music playing at a reasonable volume, but never to the point it could be deemed offensively loud. I always turn the volume down in shops and the supermarket, but I never turn it off, I do like to stay well mannered.

I get enough dirty looks already though, so I never know if it's for my general appearance or for the music I'm playing. Either way it doesn't bother me, and the people who like it whom I chat to far outweigh the small number of uptighters shooting me dark glances. Ironically it's always the workers in stores that chat to me and love seeing my newest acquisitions. Also, now my favourite response to 'Why don't you just listen to an iPod?' is saying to them "An iPod can't do this" and then cranking the volume.

Always gets a smile and laugh.

Rock On.

billy.the.binman - 2009-07-29 04:39

rarely take mine out for this reason. last time i took out a a box to play, was walking down the beach with a couple of friends and it attracted the attention of drunk pikeys.

other people tend to give you either bad looks or are like woa cool look at that/woa look at that, what a piece of ****.

unfortunately these things tend to be best behind closed doors it seems

2steppa - 2009-07-29 04:46

Most boxes that I buy arrive at my work address and I take them home with me when I walk home at lunchtime. I remember when my 2nd huge Crown 5100 arrived and I thought I'd carry it home 'exposed' rather than in the cardboard box.. bit of a memory lane feeling!

Passed an old friend on the pavement who exclaimed 'whooaa big ol' ghettoblaster there mate' also got lots of looks from passing motorists - wonder what they were thinking? 'Don't see that very often!' or 'look at that dikhead' or 'I remember those back in the 80's didn't know people still walked around with them' or maybe, just maybe, 'WOW that is awesome, what a cool dude!' Big Grin

devoltoni - 2009-07-29 05:29

Huh, Mad what a behavior and treatment.
Looks like discrimination Confused No No

jd3 - 2009-07-29 05:56

920... as for the Post Office... I would be tempted to find batteries immediately.

My only experience was when I got my radio out of the shop after repairs. Just so happened it was on the same day that a local store (Big Apple Music) was selling tickets for the K- Rock athon. A huge rock concert here in Syracuse NY Aug. 8th. Anyway there were a ton of people outside waiting to get tickets and you should of seen the awesome, positive reaction I got from the mass of people.

I only wish I had batteries with me that day. I would of loved to shown off my new (old) box that day like we did back in the day.

baby.boomer - 2009-07-29 06:36

You'd think people would be delighted to see these icons from another era, especially pristine examples... and a few people are. They seem to "get" the boombox's value... maybe not its financial value, but at least its value as a symbol of times gone by.

I would venture to say, however, that most people don't see boomboxes that way. Heck, most people probably don't even realize that big, square, silver radio-cassette players aren't made anymore! Instead, when they look at an '80's boombox today, they see what they've always seen: a loud, in-your-face, carry-on-your-shoulder tool of youthful rebellion that goes best with breakdancing and graffiti. I doubt if it even dawns on these folks that boomboxes are now considered "collectibles"... works of pop art and sound that are purchased and owned mainly by middle-aged, working men and women who can afford to buy them (mostly on eBay) and then put them on a shelf to display!

One thing your experience proves to me is that the boomboxes we collect don't bring back endearing memories to everyone. Instead, they represent the same things they represented back in the eighties: disruption, defiance, noise, and civil disobedience. What we see as things of beauty and audio excellence, much of the "uninitiated" public still sees as tools of anarchy. No wonder so many people hate us!

jvc.floyd - 2009-07-29 06:55

i never had any bad reactions from people when im seen with a box , usually its the other way they think its awesome ,and if some old bat said anything rude to me i would cuss her out and make them crawl back into their hole ,or just blow their hair back with the system in my jeep ,i use my jeep to really show what rude and loud can be lol if they think boomboxes are annoying they aint seen nothin.

gld - 2009-07-29 07:08

Some very interesting points, Baby Boomer. I must say that I have to agree with you. I do think that that attitude towards boomboxes is disproportionate, especially as (I would image) the folks on here don't 'blast' their boxes indiscriminately.

It would seem that boomboxes represent such a powerful symbol of rebellion that twenty-plus years after their demise they are still met with rections that people here have experienced.

petey.awol - 2009-07-29 09:42

One time on the north shore of Queens, NYC i brought the Conion to the parking lot that over looks the Throgs NEck Bridge, an older man said to turn down the harsh language. So i played Dirty Nursery Rhymes by Two Live Crew,

I goto this parking lot frequently and just turn up the volume but have had nothing but people walking by and nodding. Including the NYPD undercovers looking for the pot smokers and public drinkers. Some old folks even make positive comments. 99% of the time its looked at as "Wow".

eddy - 2009-07-29 10:52

It all comes to this. People can't have any fun nowadays. People are complaining about everything.
This was in the news up here a year ago: a kid got in trouble at the train station because the ringtone of his cell phone was too loud.
Man , some people got to get a life.
After i red this i would like to drive up there with some D's in the ol M 90 and blow some old farts' pants off.
And not with some faggot wining in the tape deck . NOOOOOOOOOOOO , it would have to be the 2live crew or other "nasty" stuff Eek Eek

eddy - 2009-07-29 11:04

My neigbours are very cool though. Their own a fair bussiness so they are used to some noise Roll Eyes
They are in their late 50's and their son took over the bussiness.
I was working outside once with the 777 playing/blasting some tunes ( didn't own a M 90 yet Laugh Out Loud)
They were very cool about it.

ash25 - 2009-07-29 11:52

You are right Eddy, people complain about everything. And it seems no matter what you do or say some one is offended or insulted. TOO many lawyers I feel are a bit to blame for this. Sue happy people. I do still take the boomers out with a little more of a mature attitude tho.

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-07-29 14:31

There are some great comments on here and it’s good to see some of you have had some positive experiences. I have to agree, I think boomboxes left people who are now in their 50’s and 60’s with a REAL BAD memory of these things and I say GOOD! Back in ’83 that was my single goal, that and to find someone to buy beer for me!

But like many of you said, you can’t do anything today. Back in the day we were called “Curb Dwellers” because we sat on the same curb day and night blasting our tunes. People used to cross the street to avoid the noise. Sometimes there would be 20 of us. Today, that's a gang! The cops today would take that radio and break up the crowd!

Cell phones too loud, no air fresheners in your window, don’t turn your radio on in the burger joint, don’t sit on the curb and blast music.

I say F**K that! I’m an adult now, take my radio and I’ll buy another one, yell at me and I’ll turn it up louder!

And most important….always have batteries in your box just in case you need to handle someone’s hash! LOL

At least I can buy my own beer now!

im.out.of.hear - 2009-07-29 15:27

Originally posted by ash25:
I want to go back to 1984-1988. O my do I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash i`m with you bro !!
i miss the old days soo much it hurts !
For the past 20 years,i`ve got more and more depressed,and more reclusive,i often keep to myself these days,i like to stay in my haouse,dont answer the door,dont answer the phone,sometimes i dont feel i belong here anymore..times have changed,the world has changed,people have changed..Not for the better !!!

Woah that was a deep post gettoman...

transamguy1977 - 2009-07-29 20:52

I always bring a box out when hangin outdoors.
At the beach or the pool Chillin.
I always use them at a respectful volume and mostly have good reactions.
I do get the occasional hater chuckling under his or her breath, yet the *****s dont have the balls to say something to your face.
The box usually becomes a conversation starter. people are amazed at the sound that comes out of a 25+ year old boombox.
I will always rock a box when ever I want, and my girl is not embarassed at all by it.
In fact she will encourage me to bring one when we do go to lay out.

ash25 - 2009-07-29 22:13

Yes Gettoman and Lasonic,I remember when you could drive in my hometown around the blocks for hours just cruising for chicks and never a problem .Today you cant hang at Mcdonalds, they throw you out of the parking lot and if you drive thru town more thaen a few times the cops think you are selling drugs!!! WTF? But that wont deter me from listening to the jamboxes, but I cant help but feel a little silly when you aint 16 or 17 carrying this big radio jamming it. Thats just me. Also like we dont belong with everybody and there Ipods and bluetooth. But always will have the great memories and that wish to somehow turn the clock back 25 years!

eddy - 2009-07-30 00:53

[QUOTE]Originally posted by gettoman: i dont feel i belong here anymore..times have changed,the world has changed,people have changed..Not for the better !!!

It' fine that i'm not alone feeling like this.
Yesterday , i was driving around with the car stereo DAMN LOUD with the windows open thinkin' f*ck you all.
I wish y'all could se the faces . Laugh Out Loud
Priceless Eek

im.out.of.hear - 2009-07-30 07:36

yeh i loved the years between when i was 13 in 83,and say 1990 when i just turned 20,i could take my box out to the park and meet new friends every day,people would talk to you and chill with you..but things did`nt last..eventually everyone sold there ghetto blasters,all my friends got into relationships and stopped hanging out,i got left behind,then i just fell out of society,after that,my life was over really..i could just feel things changing,i dont know why i went like that,but i`ve been a bit of a loose end for over 20 years..not only do you get hastle by the general public,its also very risky taking my box even to my front door without getting hastled by groups of youths,if i took a nice box to the park,i would either get hastled by the cops,or i would definatley run in to a whole lot of trouble with gangs,i would most certainly get beeat up serverely (or worse) and the box would guarantee`d be stolen from me..

bendycat - 2009-07-30 11:08

What makes me laugh is, that if you took you box out, you soon get dirty looks

but over here in the UK we have what we call CHAV'S - hoody wearing one sock tucked in - cheap sports wear and feel the need to spit every 5 seconds Roll Eyes these d**ks often carry knifes now - well they also carry mobile/cell phones that have a music system on them - well the crap sound that comes out of that ! so a box at least would sound clear and good Laugh Out Loud

ash25 - 2009-07-30 17:01

I also think that in some places if you took the box out it would get jacked off of you!! lol

ash25 - 2009-07-30 17:02

Let me rephrase that, boxjacked like carjacked. After I posted that I read it sounded funny.

teamstress - 2009-08-01 17:08

How many people were on their cell phones in the post office? ,talking too loud, now that's annoying.

eddy - 2009-08-02 00:44

Originally posted by teamstress:
How many people were on their cell phones in the post office? ,talking too loud, now that's annoying.

I AgreeI AgreeI AgreeI AgreeI AgreeI Agreecompletely

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-08-02 11:05

Originally posted by teamstress:
How many people were on their cell phones in the post office? ,talking too loud, now that's annoying.

And with the simple twist of the volume knob all of that is washed away!

kballenger53 - 2009-08-03 08:30

I can TOTALLY RELATE!!! I Agree As a matter of fact my very first post on this site was entitled: "REALISTIC Model No. 14-805 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder".

Better yet, let me copy and paste it for ya:

"I'm new to the scene guys, so I'm just jumping right on in there with the rest of you. But I've got some questions for you all. In this world of Walkmen, Discmen, MP3's, IPODS and whatnot, how often is it that you see someone carrying a Boom Box on their shoulders like we did back in the late 70's & early 80's?

Well check this out!!! I was walking to the store with my Realistic Model No. 14-805 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder that I've found at a yard sale for $5.00!!! And believe it or not, it still plays CLEAR AS A BELL!!! Just has a little static in it when you turn up the volume. It's silver and black, and very clean!!! All of the parts are original and still in tact, but there is a small crack by the tuning knob, which could be sealed up.

The first thing that I did was give the heads, the pinch roller, and the capstan a thorough cleaning, because GOD knows how long the BOX has been sitting around. You know, when I graduated High School back in 1978, THE BOXES, as they were called back then, were just emerging, and every brand was putting their stuff out there!!!

And REALISTIC, with is part of the TANDY CORPORATION, wanted RADIO SHACK to jump on the band wagon too, so they came up with this particular model!!!

I was playing one of my old 120 minute Dance Tapes that I made back in '82 one day, when all of a sudden, some teenagers were checking me out, and suddenly said: "DAMN POPS, THAT'S OLD SCHOOL AS HELL!!! IS THAT A TAPE YOU'RE PLAYING??? MY FATHER USED TO HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!! YOU'VE GOTS TO GET A MP3 PLAYER 'CAUSE, THAT'S TOO MUCH EXERCISE!!! YOU'LL CATCH A HEART ATTACK CARRYING THAT THING"!!!

I couldn't help but crack up laughing, and then reflect on how HIP we thought we were back then while doing this!!! I guess I'm getting OLDER after all.............................................

Here's another question for you guys. Does anybody remember this radio? I've searched on-line and couldn't find any info on it. I even went to a couple of RADIO SHACKS in my neighborhood, and the Reps are either TOO YOUNG to know about it, or they can't find anything about it in their databases!!! I would like to know exactly when it came out, just in case I do decide to sell it on E'Bay or somewhere.

But to tell you the truth, I've grown quite attached to it, it takes me back to my teenage years: POLYESTER, EARTH SHOES, & DISCO!!! Life was so much simpler then..........AAAAAHHHHH..................


WOW, it's hard to believe that was over 250 Posts Ago!!! Eek Time Flies when you're having fun!!! Wink


kballenger53 - 2009-08-03 08:31

Originally posted by KBallenger53:
I can TOTALLY RELATE!!! I Agree As a matter of fact my very first post on this site was entitled: "REALISTIC Model No. 14-805 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder".

Better yet, let me copy and paste it for ya:

"I'm new to the scene guys, so I'm just jumping right on in there with the rest of you. But I've got some questions for you all. In this world of Walkmen, Discmen, MP3's, IPODS and whatnot, how often is it that you see someone carrying a Boom Box on their shoulders like we did back in the late 70's & early 80's?

Well check this out!!! I was walking to the store with my Realistic Model No. 14-805 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder that I've found at a yard sale for $5.00!!! And believe it or not, it still plays CLEAR AS A BELL!!! Just has a little static in it when you turn up the volume. It's silver and black, and very clean!!! All of the parts are original and still in tact, but there is a small crack by the tuning knob, which could be sealed up.

The first thing that I did was give the heads, the pinch roller, and the capstan a thorough cleaning, because GOD knows how long the BOX has been sitting around. You know, when I graduated High School back in 1978, THE BOXES, as they were called back then, were just emerging, and every brand was putting their stuff out there!!!

And REALISTIC, which is part of the TANDY CORPORATION, wanted RADIO SHACK to jump on the band wagon too, so they came up with this particular model!!!

I was playing one of my old 120 minute Dance Tapes that I made back in '82 one day, when all of a sudden, some teenagers were checking me out, and suddenly said: "DAMN POPS, THAT'S OLD SCHOOL AS HELL!!! IS THAT A TAPE YOU'RE PLAYING??? MY FATHER USED TO HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!! YOU'VE GOTS TO GET A MP3 PLAYER 'CAUSE, THAT'S TOO MUCH EXERCISE!!! YOU'LL CATCH A HEART ATTACK CARRYING THAT THING"!!!

I couldn't help but crack up laughing, and then reflect on how HIP we thought we were back then while doing this!!! I guess I'm getting OLDER after all.............................................

Here's another question for you guys. Does anybody remember this radio? I've searched on-line and couldn't find any info on it. I even went to a couple of RADIO SHACKS in my neighborhood, and the Reps are either TOO YOUNG to know about it, or they can't find anything about it in their databases!!! I would like to know exactly when it came out, just in case I do decide to sell it on E'Bay or somewhere.

But to tell you the truth, I've grown quite attached to it, it takes me back to my teenage years: POLYESTER, EARTH SHOES, & DISCO!!! Life was so much simpler then..........AAAAAHHHHH..................


WOW, it's hard to believe that was over 250 Posts Ago!!! Eek Time Flies when you're having fun!!! Wink


kid.sensation - 2009-08-03 09:00

steppin' in as one of the young guns in here i've to say that i never had any major bad reactions.

do not want to harm anybody, but it sure looks strange these days to see a old(er) guy walking down the street like he used back in the day - that will , at least, allways earn strange faces especially from the young fellas.

personally i'd love to see it and would think "Whoa that guy is hella cool!wish my dad would be like that!Cool"

In my city it's no big problem - we allways attract the poeple - of course there are some real old ppl (60+) that get really mad -- but well they also get mad on other things that noone cares about.

we had childs dancing to our music, ppl stopping & staring full of amusement.We also got into the local newspaper.lot of ppl took photos of & with us.

shure there are allways some dorks.

some pics showing this:

me, a local mc, and member ak74

they loved posing with the boxes:

we even did not had any problems playing at BK

also, local stores do not argue

Also a meeting of some members in berlin caused not even one bad face at us.

so, either we/i do have lot of luck never getting any bad reactions or we do really live in a smooth area when it comes to taking out a box.


lasonic.trc920 - 2009-08-03 12:58

Originally posted by KBallenger53:
I can TOTALLY RELATE!!! I Agree As a matter of fact my very first post on this site was entitled: "REALISTIC Model No. 14-805 AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder".

Man, thats a great story. I know how that feels. This past weekend they opened up an old school arcade in town and I asked some of my duaghters friends (15 years old) if they had gone yet. I told them I was going to go down there with my ghettoblaster and kick ass. They said "Whats a Ghettoblaster?" I almost Sh*t.

As for info on your Realistic, check out this site: http://www.radioshackcatalogs.com/

This has all the old catalogs scanned, 1935-2005!

I searched through the catalogs and found your radio in the 1980 catalog on page 46!

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-08-03 14:59

Kid Sensation, diggin' your avitar. It's great to hear some young guys out on the street delivering the goods! BLAST'EM OL' SKOOL!

kballenger53 - 2009-08-04 06:17

Hey Lasonic, thanks man!!! I've always wondered when my Box came out. TPR once did some research for me about it, but now I know what year my Baby was born!!! Boy how time flies, I was 20 years old and in my 2nd year in the US Navy back in 1980!!!

I'm going to check out that link too, because those tapes are bringing back a lot of memories!!! To tell you the truth, I'm looking at the other Box for $179.95 now. It's got my attention because it's got more features and I can imagine more power also!!! Perhaps I'll get lucky and find one of those at a Yard Sale too!!!

But in answer to YOUR question, some people are just meant to be miserable!!! Because as I reflect back, there were also some "Snobbish" people that didn't appreciate what the youth were doing. They didn't appreciate "OUR" kind of music either. When the Boxes first emerged, it was "DISCO" music that ruled the airwaves. That was my generation. After 1980, "RAP or HIP HOP" music ruled the airwaves, and that's when the Boxes started getting bigger, and bigger!!!

Some people are just afraid of CHANGE!!! I don't know why. To me, it's just a form of PREJUDICE!!! You getting those looks in that place, was just the same as a Black person getting those looks if he or she decides to dine out in a Ritzy Restaurant, while wearing Urban Style Clothes, and everyone else is wearing Tuxedos or Evening Gowns!!! It's a shame how people can be Stereotyped out of pure IGNORANCE!!!

Take for example, the comments those teenagers made to me about my Box, and just recently while Chillin' Out in the Park, some Butthole came out of the blue and asked me: "Do you Breakdance"? I asked: "Why"??? And he answered: "Well you've got your Boombox with you, I just figured you did".

I didn't know whether to cry, or hit the guy!!! But judging by the expression I had on my face, he knew better than to ask another question, and therefore walked away!!!

This is a Great Thread Lasonic, I guess GREAT MINDS DO THINK ALIKE!!! (SMILE)


kballenger53 - 2009-08-04 06:31

BTW Lasonic, I'm checkin' out your Realistic at the top of this Thread next to your Lasonic!!! I didn't know Radio Shack put out the Big Boxes too!!!

I'm curious because although mine is a Neanderthal compared to that one, it still kicks butt for it's size, so I can IMAGINE what yours can do!!!

B.T.W., I've just checked out that Radio Shack link and it almost brought me to tears!!! Wink Oh My God, talk about a trip down Memory Lane!!! I used to grab those things just to check out what was inside, and dreamed of having that stuff.

I now discovered that Radio Shack's, first official BOX was the REALISTIC SCR-1, from 1978. That was the year I graduated High School!!! Cool Boy, would I like to get my hands on that one so my Box can meet it's older Brother!!! Wink I've also noticed that my Box was a Major Seller from 1980 - 1983!!! I'M SO PROUD OF MY SON!!!

But I've done some research on yours too!!! Yours is the SCR-8!!! Which was Radio Shack's Biggest Box!!! With 6 inch Woofers, and came out in 1983!!! And was a Huge Seller for them until 1986!!! We've definately got ourselves some Classics, Lasonic!!!


lasonic.trc920 - 2009-08-04 08:10

Hey KBallenger53 glad those old radio skack catalogs gave you some info. Thats where I first found info on my SCR-8. I then went and bought one! It's wild looking at all that old equipment. That stuff was expensive back then! Good luck on finding that other radio. That would be cool to have them side by side! I may look for an SCR-6 later down the line.

"Do you break dance"....Thats an ass kicken!

lasonic.trc920 - 2009-08-04 08:21

Originally posted by KBallenger53:
BTW Lasonic, I'm checkin' out your Realistic at the top of this Thread next to your Lasonic!!! I didn't know Radio Shack put out the Big Boxes too!!!

I'm curious because although mine is a Neanderthal compared to that one, it still kicks butt for it's size, so I can IMAGINE what yours can do!!!

B.T.W., I've just checked out that Radio Shack link and it almost brought me to tears!!! Wink Oh My God, talk about a trip down Memory Lane!!! I used to grab those things just to check out what was inside, and dreamed of having that stuff.

I now discovered that Radio Shack's, first official BOX was the REALISTIC SCR-1, from 1978. That was the year I graduated High School!!! Cool Boy, would I like to get my hands on that one so my Box can meet it's older Brother!!! Wink I've also noticed that my Box was a Major Seller from 1980 - 1983!!! I'M SO PROUD OF MY SON!!!

But I've done some research on yours too!!! Yours is the SCR-8!!! Which was Radio Shack's Biggest Box!!! With 6 inch Woofers, and came out in 1983!!! And was a Huge Seller for them until 1986!!! We've definately got ourselves some Classics, Lasonic!!!


As a kid I totally used to do the same thing. Go in every time a new catalog came out and just dream! It was always about the portables. I wanted that SCR-8 so bad. It was the first radio with a cassette that you could fast forward to the next song that I had ever seen. Its a good sized box for sure. But compared to my TRC-920, it is so good on batteries! The Lasonic is a battery HOG! Today Radio Shack is looked back on as a joke, but back in the late 70's early 80's before there were all these high end electronics stores, there was Radio Shack, Sears and Montgomery Wards and that was about it. And Radio Shack was the high end stuff. I have spent hurs looking at that website and all the old electronics RS sold.

BTW, do you remember Rogers Sound Lab? Or Federaded Electronics? They were both more mid 1980's electronics stores.

kballenger53 - 2009-08-04 08:24

Originally posted by Lasonic TRC-920:
Hey KBallenger53 glad those old radio skack catalogs gave you some info. Thats where I first found info on my SCR-8. I then went and bought one! It's wild looking at all that old equipment. That stuff was expensive back then! Good luck on finding that other radio. That would be cool to have them side by side! I may look for an SCR-6 later down the line.

"Do you break dance"....Thats an ass kicken!

I hope you find that SCR-6, and then take it to that same place where those ladies gave you a hard time. And just before you walk out of the door: CRANK IT ALL THE WAY UP!!! Nod Yes

B.T.W., how does the SCR-8 compare to your Lasonic. I know from experience that Lasonic's are very Powerful Boxes!!! Eek Does Radio Shack's come close???


lasonic.trc920 - 2009-08-04 08:46

Originally posted by KBallenger53:
B.T.W., how does the SCR-8 compare to your Lasonic. I know from experience that Lasonic's are very Powerful Boxes!!! Eek Does Radio Shack come close???

They are two very different boxes. The SCR-8 is tighter in quality, has the fast forward search on the cassette and has a nice "Stereo Wide" feature. It's fairly loud, but does not even come close to the bass of the Lasonic. Both play very clean, I mean VERY CLEAN at low volume. If you want to listen to some Classical music at a medium volume, both these boxes are amazingly clean. But the Lasonic was really built to pump it. I listen to Heavy Metal and the 920 delivers! The SCR-8 has massive LED displays but they are always at their maximum level and do not change with the volume. The Lasonic’s LED displays are actual out put meters, which is nicer. The Lasonic has a light you can turn on and off for the tuner display, the SCR-8 does not. The Lasonic is easier to work on but it is also heavier! They really have very little in common. The Realistic styling is very Mono Chrome, almost boring compared to the Lasonic’s typical “bling bling” styling. They are always about eye candy! But back in the day, that's what it was about! What can I say, I love them both and use them both all the time!

tpr - 2009-08-04 09:35

service catalog entries for
realistic-scr2 14-805 ,


maybe the production reached longer.
production spans from more than FIVE years were not unusual in the 70s and 80s. Wink
i.e.:the tpr 950 has been produced from 1978 till 1982.